View Full Version : Wild discus with Laetacara or other dwarf cichlids

Trevor W
03-30-2013, 03:23 AM
I wouldn't do it. Some of the larger geo species are too pushy/aggressive for discus and the silver dollars may be too boisterous and keep the discus spooked. Also, I can't imagine the Vieja being a good discus tankmate. Having said that, a lot of people do the discus and stingray combo with good results.

I kept discus with smaller geos (sp. Orange Head Tapajos) and had good luck. I've also kept adult discus with things like young Uaru and severums. The problem is that discus, even lively ones, cannot compete with the voracity of larger SA and CA cichlids. Most other cichlids will out-compete discus for food rather easily. If you were to do a discus community setup I'd stick with a small geo species and maybe some of the more peaceful cichlids like Cleithracara, Crenicara, or maybe even some of the dwarf species like Dicrossus or dwarf pikes. Rams, both M. ramirezi and M. altispinosus, are good choices. I'd definitely avoid keeping them with anything Central American except for maybe Archocentrus multispinosus (rainbow cichlids) which are one of the most peaceful species I've ever owned, similar in temperament to keyholes. Except when breeding, of course, but that goes for any cichlid.

Great advice!
Ryan, what are your thoughts or experiences on Laetacara curviceps with discus. They have always been a dwarf cichlid I have wanted to keep but have just never had. There requirements seem to be very similar to the requirements of discus however, and maybe it is just me, but I don't often see alot of wild discus tanks with these in them.

03-30-2013, 03:29 AM
I kept Laetacara dorsigera with my adult discus and they were great. Most of the smaller, peaceful cichlids will be fine.


My only advice would be to keep the Laetacara in small groups because every time I would separate a pair into a breeding tank, the male would attempt to kill the female. This happened even with bonded pairs who'd spawned multiple times in a community setup.

Trevor W
03-30-2013, 03:33 AM
Thank you! and man are those dorsigera stunning!!!!! what would be your advice on grouping as far as male to female ratio.

03-30-2013, 03:37 AM
It really depends on the tank size. I buy all my SA cichlids in groups of six just like I do with discus. If the tank is large enough it shouldn't be a huge deal -- just make sure they have room to chase and fight and get away from one another. Mine were in a 150 with adult discus and there was tons of nipping and sparring but no deaths. Then I grew out a group of eight in a 55 with no other tank mates and once they hit spawning age the females really beat each other senseless. For a tiny fish they can be hard on each other.

Trevor W
03-30-2013, 03:53 AM
yea I have seen rams that I have owned really go at it for such a small fish then can as you said be hard on eachother. The new tank I am currently setting up is about 100 Gallons 48"L x 24"W x 20"H with roughly a 50 gallon sump underneath. This will be ofcourse for a group of wild discus and I am just kinda playing around with some other stocking ideas. I'm thinking a group of cories (sterbai) a school of either rummynose tetras or another tetra species like lemons maybe. and thats about it besides a nice group of wild discus. So I am currently getting ideas for different dwarf cichlids. What are your thoughts? With your groups of 6 or so would you get any specific male/female ratio or just a random half dozen and see what forms?

03-30-2013, 04:13 AM
I always just buy a group of juvies and see what I end up with.

Several sellers have Dicrossus right now which are awesome little fish. There are probably several Apistogramma which would work but I haven't ventured into the world of apistos yet. I would think any small cichlid that would inhabit the mid to lower levels of the tank would be acceptable. You probably want something that's not too active or busy so as not to spook the discus.

Trevor W
03-30-2013, 11:17 AM
Thank you Ryan for making this thread!
I think that is what I am going to do depending on where I can source them from around here. I have not ventured into the worl of apistos either yet have always wanted to. The Dicrossus is a great looking little fish, awesome colours and thier fin and body structure is really nice.