View Full Version : Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Cysts

12-30-2013, 03:38 AM
Hello everyone,

I bought some at Jehmco and thought maybe they would be a good source to put in the auto-feeders during the day but didn't work the way I wanted.

Has anyone had luck using*Decapsulated*Brine Shrimp Cysts as opposed to live Newly Hatched Brine Shrimp or best way to do it ?

Thank you ,


12-30-2013, 09:32 AM
Decapsulated doen't take good as Newly Hatched, so the fry don't take it if you don't train them

I feed the fry Newly Hatched at day 5, then after 2 week I train them to eat Decapsulated ... Put Decaps in warm water for 5 mins, then feed together with newly hatched. They don't take at first time, but if you train them well they will get it by increase amount decaps and decrease amount newly hatched each time you feed ... until you replaced newly hatched with decaps ...

Good luck!

12-30-2013, 09:47 AM
Oh man, it's better stick with the old way and keep it simple. as far as your Decaps process, don't you need to go thru those process bleach, dechlorinator....?

Thank you Ryan,

12-31-2013, 01:51 PM
Did you buy Non-Hatching Decapsulated eggs? If so they are ready to feed. As Ryan stated just soak for a few minutes and pour in. I use a baster to squirt around the fry and parents initially. Decaps are higher in porting than hatch brine shrimp. Well worth the little fussing on switching them over. Good luck,


Oh man, it's better stick with the old way and keep it simple. as far as your Decaps process, don't you need to go thru those process bleach, dechlorinator....?

Thank you Ryan,

01-01-2014, 01:25 PM
don't think Jehmco has Non- hatching one. Thanks for pointing that out, now I think I know the differences. I got this regular Decaps so just like Newly Hatched but don't deal with shell headache.


01-01-2014, 08:01 PM
I bought some hatching decap BS off ebay and was disappointed. The brineshrimp direct hatching decap seems to hatch better and you get a lot more. I have yet to try jehmco.