View Full Version : Drift wood

02-25-2014, 05:52 PM
I saw on you tube good looking manzanita drift wood being unpacked from a box. These woods look great and will look good for my large sized tank. Hope to buy some soon. Can any one say where I can import from, the best ones by air freight. I live in India. I get some good looking drift woods in LFS in my area but they are not manzanitas for sure as they are not as large and are cheap and are sold by weight. Just about 10 US$ per kg and are not very tall.. They keep them all bundled in sacks in corner and nobody seriously buy them in LFS in my area, maybe just afew serious keepers of Discus. The ones available here are all around 10 to 12 inch high if kept on a table and don't seem to have the thickness as photos of manzanita woods in aquariums. I believe that woods coming above water surface are great especially for paludarium like set ups and Discus will love some shade too.
My second query is what are the essential tips to do before adding these woods to your tank. Boil some say till tannins leave, for how long to boil and what if the water colour does not change to brown. How to stop any infection. Can one use potassium permanganate solution dip for a day or so. Need some use full tips please