View Full Version : Idea! K-1 seeding cheat

09-04-2014, 04:32 PM
I was just sitting here at work, taking a mental break (on SD of course) and this thought came to me.

I will be starting a grow out with 10 from Hans within the next 30 days. Once they are big and fat - 8 months give or take, I am moving them to my 240 display where they can finish growing to 10" :)... ok, I will feel like a huge success if I make it to 7"!

Is there any downside to seeding my K-1 in the grow out? I was thinking of using the litre bottle/bubbler method to run it in the grow out. I could then just transfer it to the 75 sump a month or so before I drop them in the display.

Has anyone tried this?

09-04-2014, 08:07 PM
I can;t help you with the seeding idea, but I will say that half the time I am at work, I'm not really there. My mind is with the discus tank, planning, worrying, hoping, anticipating...while I do my job on autopilot.

09-05-2014, 01:44 PM
By all means use your K-1 in the growout tank. If you are doing the water changes you should be doing it could take that long to get seeded!:p

OC Discus
09-05-2014, 10:31 PM
A single dose of bio spira in your k-1, in my opinion, is safer than a sponge from a non-discus tank. You just add the bio spira at the same time you add the fish. People swear by Seachem Stability, but in my experience id doesn't compare.

Many will argue, correctly, as long as you are doing 50% wc daily and using prime, you don't need to seed the filter. But if you miss a couple of days you could be in trouble. The bio spira wont hurt, and might help.