View Full Version : Problems of line breeding on Dogs.. What about discus ?

kira ken
02-10-2015, 05:24 PM
Hi People
I was reading this article about the problems of limited genetic pools on dogs breeding and i wonder if this is also happening with our Discus.


What do you guys thing about it ? There are any specific health problems on our domestic discus strains?


02-10-2015, 06:26 PM
Before you start reading please keep in mind that every single breed of animal has become a breed because of line breeding. Either because of man or some other reason. Line breeding itself is not really a bad thing. Bad line breeding is bad, but not all of it.


02-10-2015, 06:35 PM
irresponsible breeding is bad. Line breeding (as opposed to inbreeding) is the safe approach to garnashing qualities and attributes you like, and breeding them in to a breeding program. I bred a lot of dogs many years ago and got out of it because so many people show complete disregard on breeding dogs. It is sad.

08-27-2016, 07:27 AM
Another sensational piece on dogs, good job they dont do these silly articles on HomoSapiens lol... Yes of course any animal that is closely bred has a much better chance to have two copies of the bad genes than two animals that are less closely related.
The idea is you select the very best and only ever breed from them. In the case of dogs or cats or anything mankind can turn a fast buck over the wrong people do just that ... "Rare" Harlequin Poodles ,Chocolate Chows, .... List is endless.

I belive you must breed only from the best , when some one tried this with humans I belive it was eugenics and we had a bit of an argument with the chap and his friends.

I am by the way a dog breeder, and might point out the KC does not allow a registered breeder to register inbred pups. I must point out that the average mongrel is the most inbred "breed" going as "Rover" has generaly sired all the pups in a village or town ,thier daughters and grandaughters ,all served by Rover..he just hasnt got the paperwork to prove it.

I only came on here to read about water changes....lmao

11-19-2017, 02:38 PM
I don’t know how far back some Discus lines go back...if breeders even keep pedigrees on the fish they breed. Our linebred pedigreed dogs only go back to the nineteenth centuries. Although,some breeds go back even further like Salukis for example.
Fish, mmmmm they’ve been around for hundreds of millions of years and us humans like to tinker with our domestic animals and now we have colorful fish with attributes we want or are striving for for our tanks. I’ve never bred fish well...not other than cichlids or guppies. I’ve never thought of having a registered fish or wanting to register the lines. Do Discus breeders even keep paperwork on the young that they produce?

11-20-2017, 08:24 AM
Do Discus breeders even keep paperwork on the young that they produce? not as a standard though many of us to keep notes on this and that cross or stock.


11-20-2017, 08:57 PM
I bought some of Dirk Schlingerman Reds that were