View Full Version : How much FDBW to feed juvies?

02-20-2020, 09:04 AM
So, I have six 2.5” fish I got from Hans in a 37 bare bottom tank and I do an 80% water change 4-5 days a week. They are currently eating cobalt flakes and cubes of fdbw. My problem is I don’t know how much I should typically feed of the fdbw. I’m trying to feed 4 times a day. Is half a cube enough when I feed them at this size? It just takes them so long to eat that I’m not sure. Like, they’re love them and they eat very willing, it just takes a while because they are clumsy lol.

Thanks for any info.

02-20-2020, 09:35 AM
Someone more experienced may be able to give a better answer, but I would say let them have as much as they can eat in 5-10 minutes. Due to the variance in size of some FDBW cubes, it's hard say whether 1/2 is enough. My group of 6 adults destroy FDBWs, so much so that I've had a lot of trouble weening them to anything other than frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. They start pouting when I make them fast for a few days and then try some pellets or flake foods.

The good thing that I have found is that FDBWs do not foul the water very much, so they're generally safe to leave even if you've over-fed. The juveniles can then snack throughout the day on any leftovers. :)

02-21-2020, 07:04 AM
I have 14 juvies and although I also feed BH throughout the day, at midday I give them about 1.5-2" diameter ball (not smushed but not super loose either) about in they feeding cone which I submersed upside down. I have a video of them eating in my tank journal. They usual take 1-2 hours to finish it all from the feeding cone, (less in the video due to treatment).

So for your 6, I would probably feed half a cube to 3/4 and see if they finish it too quickly