View Full Version : Stunts or Runts

01-14-2003, 11:57 AM
hello all,

just a simple question with no simple answer... I have about 9 discus (2 heckels, 2 PB, 2 reds, 2 blues and a cobolt) all bought smae size... all are healthy and eating well. one red and one PB are growing slowly..superslowly... all other discus are twice the size..with the exception of the heckels..bought those as adults.

Any suggestion on why...or is it just nature?

thanks for any input.


01-14-2003, 02:53 PM
My guess is that they are runts as the title indicates. There's a few in every batch. Look at the bright side...you only have two slow growers.

01-14-2003, 03:34 PM
Yes, there are always some smaller ones - maybe females.
Carol :heart1:

01-14-2003, 05:00 PM
They sounded like runts to me. Were they the ones being bullied on (ie. chased away from food and has no territory of their own?).

Out of my 6 Discus, I got one runt. And if you continue to read the various posts on Simply, you will see runts are not uncommon.

From what I have read online, it appears runts are caused both genetically and environmentally.

My runt is on the bottom of the totem pole and it is always the one being picked on. Regardless of how much it was feed (and he eats lots), he still does not grow.


