View Full Version : true story!

01-29-2003, 12:21 AM
when i was living up in n.j. in the 90's i knew a guy who had some discus tanks in his trailer. they were just run of the mill fish - nothing special, but he had no trouble getting them to spawn.

he fed them by chewing table food i.e. chicken, ham, steak etc. and then spitting the chewed-up food into the tank. they loved it! and he swore that the saliva had something to do with there good health. true story!

later flogger

01-29-2003, 03:38 PM
Flogger, ABC ( already been chewed ) food. I never thought of that. Perhaps if Karen Carpenter was adiscus keeper, she would still be alive today. Nutrition would somehow manage to keep her sustained by what is referred to in Medical terminology as the " Absorption Principal ". In latin, that is Absorbititus Principaliatus. My theory which I labored at in my laboratory in my never-ending goal to win the Nobel Peace Prize came up with an interesting observation. The chewer--in this case --Karen Carpenter could actually kill two birds with one stone ( no pun intended! ). Instead of merely chewing the food and slinging a lougie in the tank, a higher absorption rate can be achieved through regurgitation. I have also had inroads as to completely eliminate the "Gag Reflex " and wire her up to 220 volts and therefore be the first on the market with a 30 day feeder. A fairly complex system of troughs and a cement truck to partially soften the food intake and she could take care of a complete state of the art hatchery!

But what do I know? My Medical License was revoked in my most recent malpractice suit. True Story! Dr. Death aka Joe :-[

01-29-2003, 03:47 PM
I am not sure if this is meant to be funny or what, but I cannot see an advantage for anyone new to discus reading information like this. At BEST, it is very questionable, and I would never utilize this technique in feeding my fish.
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