View Full Version : quick- areation or filtration.

10-12-2003, 02:37 PM
Iv'e got a battery pump, it came with a airstone, just incase powercuts. The battery pumpwith airstone works really well. I took off the air stone and replaced it with a Hagen BioFoam Single Filter , this also works really well. I am wonder which would be better;
*the airstone.......lots & lots bubbles...but doesn't filter
*the Hagen BioFoam filter...it wilters well but doesn't provide a lot of areation.

right now the airstone and the filter do a great job in the 25 gallon, but i'm setting up a 48 gallon (tommorrow i hope) so I don't know if either will be sufficient.
powercuts are not frequent & don't usually last long.


10-12-2003, 02:48 PM
Use the airstone. The purpose is to keep oxygen in the water. Don't feed during power outages. IF power outage is extended you can pour cups of aquarium water over the bio media every hour or two.

Another option for extended power outages is to put the bio media in the tank. (rinse all the gunk off first in dechlorinated water)

10-15-2003, 02:11 PM
thanks Carol.