View Full Version : Please advise.... building water transfer /storage

10-19-2003, 09:28 AM
HI Everybody....
I am looking for some clear cut advise... in other words please tell me EXACTLY what I need. I want to put together a water storage and transfer station but I need as simple and cost efective as possible. My plan is a barrel for the water which I will fill with a hose from a faucet in the cellar. Then i need to pump the aged water from one room to another for refilling tanks. I am thinking a submersible pump may be too limiting but I really don't want kinow anything about rigging up plumbing. There is about a 2 foot raise from the storage area to the fish room with about 15 feet to travel tops. IF you don't want to give brand nemas and stuff on a public forum then please e-mail me but PLEASE somebody help. Give me a plan and a list of what i need.... The bucket brigade is killing me!!!!