View Full Version : salt and aquarium plants?

11-21-2003, 01:25 AM
I noticed tonight that one of my discus has a tiny bit of what seems to be fungus on one of the ray tips of his ventral fin. Looks like maybe one of the others nipped at him. In the past I would have just added salt, but now I have added plants and don't really want to kill them. I also don't want to have to quarantine him for something this minor.

I'm wondering if someone can tell me at what salt concentration plants become negatively affected. Can I treat at 4 tablespoons/10 gal or is that too high? I don't know all the names of my plants, and if some die off a little thats okay; just a general rule would be nice.


11-21-2003, 01:35 AM
Your plants will be fine. I wouldn't keep salt in the tank all the time, but when treating it won't hurt the plants.

11-21-2003, 09:28 AM
4tbsp/10g will be too much for most plants. 2 tbsp/10 would be better.

Do you have a hospital tank set up where you could do a salt dip on your fish?

11-21-2003, 06:01 PM
Right now I have a hospital tank set up, but there is already a discus in it. I haven't declared him healthy yet, so I would have to set up another tank for a salt dip. How long/what concentration would a salt dip be?
Thanks again,

11-21-2003, 08:24 PM
My experience has been that 3.5 TBS per 10 gallons (with temp increase to 88) will kill off the top growth of your valisneria varieties and many of your sags but...after treatment and water changes, the roots and crowns of many of the vals and sags survive and come back. Sword varieties don't seem to be affected to a significant degree.

11-23-2003, 01:00 AM
I didn't get the 4 Tbsp. I agree with Phil, 2 Tbsp/10 gal would be better.

11-23-2003, 10:12 AM
4-5 tbsp/10g will do well for a salt dip. If your local store sells premixed salt water that would be perfect. I wouldn't let your fish stay in there for more than 45 seconds.