View Full Version : Qn on feeding beef heart

04-07-2004, 05:51 AM
HI, I am new here, hope to get some pointers.
Currently I got a tank of discus on a 4x2x2ft tank. On our part of the world, feeding BH to discus is the norm, but however, I had never do that. Main diet is frozen Blood Worm, as I only change water twice a week, 50% change.
My qn is can I feed BH based on my routine of twice water changes per week, will it foul the water n resulted in sick discus?

04-07-2004, 07:39 AM
I think you can feed beefheart as long as you do not give too much. I mean none should be left on the ground.. btw, I hope you are not giving ONLY bloodworms.


04-07-2004, 09:56 AM
Beefheart will pollute the water much more than bloodworms or dry foods. Care must be taken to ensure you remove uneaten beefheart within half hour or so plus increased frequency in wc's! ;)

04-07-2004, 11:19 AM
So, if you're only going to change water twice a week, only feed beefheart twice a week - about an hour before the water change.

04-08-2004, 01:29 AM
Yes Kag, currently I only feed them BW and also tetra bits. But most will not eat tetra bit, so I would say mainly BW.

Carol, good one, than I shall introduce BH twice per week b4 wC, but such low frequency, will they accept BH then?

04-09-2004, 12:23 AM
BW are a very rich food and you will eventually run into problems if that's all that you feed. It would be like you eating cheese cake at every meal. I treat BW more as a treat than as a staple.

To get your fish to accept beefheart, don't feed them for a day or so then give them the BH. After that give it to them in the morning when they are the most hungry...they'll gobble it up and won't turn their noses up at it because they've already filled up on other foods that they may like more.

04-10-2004, 01:47 PM
yeah,bh pollutes the water,i feed them bh and a w/c everyday and at the end of the w/c my water can still sometimes be dirty