View Full Version : Java Moss Question?

09-18-2004, 03:15 PM
Can anyone let me know why I cannot get Java Moss to grow in my tanks? All it does is die on me :(
I tried to get it to grow about 20 times but it turns brown and falls apart. I also tried tried other mosses but they just do the same. I even bought 3 of those "moss balls" and only one is living. Out of the other 2 one is dead and the other is half dead. My water is:
GH-3 drops
I tried to attach the moss to my small driftwood pieces and it died so I purchased a medium size driftwood with it already attached, but now I only have the driftwood with no moss LOL.

Mojo Trool
09-19-2004, 02:35 AM
Whats your Nitrate's reading? Also, how much lighting (wpg) you have on the tank?

09-19-2004, 09:49 AM

I'm willing to bet its your temperature. It's a high for most mosses, they like it sub 80. It could also be lack of Nitrate and too-dense "planting" when new. I lost a bunch of moss in the past by tying it to the wood in dense mats rather than nice and loose bits.


09-20-2004, 12:19 AM
I have Nutri Grow Plant Lamp bulbs in both strip lights and also in all my tanks. I haven't tested for nitrates because all the other plants are doing fine. I have tiger lotus, Red Lily bulb, Sword plants, Java Ferns, banana plants and 2 crypts. The sword plants are produing babies. I do have a problem with that brown algea but the mystery snails are eating that up. I tried the Java moss in my 10 gallon tank and it still dies in there and the temp is 78 degrees. In this tank I just placed a clump of it to see how it will do and it turned brown and died, yet the other few plants are doing great. I will have to check the nitrate level.

09-20-2004, 01:44 AM
Hi Hexed,

I agree with Phil, I have also had java moss in various temperature tanks and I found that it grows best in cooler temperatures, even at room temp. However, it must get at least some light and anything over 80 seems to kill it.

09-20-2004, 06:31 PM
ThanOk, I guess it's the temp ;D

09-20-2004, 06:55 PM
I've had it growing in a tank with the temp of around 83°F, but the tank had some indirect sunlight and no "nutrient hog" plants: no stem plants, no sword plants, nothing that would outcompete the moss, just crypts, anubias, java fern, and bolbitis plants. Ever since I had to move that tank, the moss and bolbitis died on me. :-[