View Full Version : Can I Put This In My Tank??

01-19-2006, 11:11 AM
Hey Guys~

What is the 'rule of thumb' for adding ornaments and rocks to your tank? I have heard that you can basically add anything as long as you boil it for 15 minutes first? I am always seeing items and I'm thinking that would look very cool in one of my tanks~

From driftwood, rocks, seashells, stones....coral?? is there something/anything that is 100% taboo?? Certain material? ...for lack of a better word...that wasnt the word I was looking for. lol!~ Does anyone know if you would see an immediate reaction or after breakdown months or weeks later? How to know if it is/was safe?



01-19-2006, 11:17 AM
You have to be careful with real shells, corals, and stones. They may change your water parameters or leech things into the water. I have some flat stones in my tank but they came from an LFS and I cleaned them really well before using them. It's best to use artificial stuff if you have any doubts about the real stuff.


01-19-2006, 11:21 AM
For rocks you can drop a strong acid on them (such as vinegar)... if you see bubbles theres a good chance they'll change your water parameters.

01-19-2006, 11:28 AM
You have to be careful with real shells, corals, and stones. They may change your water parameters or leech things into the water. I have some flat stones in my tank but they came from an LFS and I cleaned them really well before using them. It's best to use artificial stuff if you have any doubts about the real stuff.


Leech, Ryan? omg...do I even wanna know what kind of things?? lol!

V & C~ Thanks! I never knew that~


01-19-2006, 11:59 AM
I get my tank stuff from the LFS or mail order. I've got a piece of Mopani driftwood (it has been sandblasted and cleaned) in a bucket of water with a powerhead right now. It leaches tannins which is fine (makes the water look like tea) but I still like to do the bucket thing and then scrub it before I put it into the tank. I found that there is gunk that still comes off when in water so I scrub it with a toothbrush before it goes in the tank.

I'm also careful to look at it through the eyes of a parent in that there aren't sharp or jagged edges that the discus can cut themselves if and on when they fly across the tank.

Other than that, I wouldn't put things I found on the beach etc... into the tank. Better safe than sorry.:)

01-19-2006, 12:17 PM
Marie don't put real coral in your tank as it will make the water hard and alkaline over time. Also it is very difficult to clean properly, like it needs soaking in bleach, and rinsing and boiling and soaking... you get the idea. I tried it once for a tank that I wanted to run with hard water and it took six weeks to get the coral clean, or so I thought, put it in the tank and it polluted the water! 6 weeks later it became an ornament in the garden!

Real shell can have the same probs, if you can see all of the shell, like a mussel shell, then they can be cleaned successfully, as long as you don't put hundreds in they won't affect the water params too much. I wouldn't use any conical shaped shells.

As long as you clean driftwood properly it will be ok, but it takes time! I'd recommend doing what Barb(traco ) does and buying driftwood from the lfs.

IMO I'd put more fish in.....:jester:


01-19-2006, 12:31 PM
stay away from blue Ogopogoo's!

01-19-2006, 01:16 PM
I get my tank stuff from the LFS or mail order. I've got a piece of Mopani driftwood (it has been sandblasted and cleaned) in a bucket of water with a powerhead right now. It leaches tannins which is fine (makes the water look like tea) but I still like to do the bucket thing and then scrub it before I put it into the tank. I found that there is gunk that still comes off when in water so I scrub it with a toothbrush before it goes in the tank.

I'm also careful to look at it through the eyes of a parent in that there aren't sharp or jagged edges that the discus can cut themselves if and on when they fly across the tank.

Other than that, I wouldn't put things I found on the beach etc... into the tank. Better safe than sorry.:)

Hey You!

Gosh I miss our talks! Hey, does all driftwood turn your water to that tea color? I don't like that....I so need my water to be crystal clear...lol!!


Paul~ Thanks for the tips! At our lfs they do have all kinds of sea shells, tho...regular ones...whatcha think? Conical shaped? Im thinking I know what that is...but.......? lol! I figured that coral was a No No, too!


01-19-2006, 01:32 PM
Hey you back. :)

I think all driftwood does leach out tannins but it slowly dissipates the longer it is in the tank plus doing daily water changes will get rid of it faster.

Do you have any bristlenose plecos in your tanks? They help with cleaning your tank. I got the driftwood for them also. I'm going to tie some anubias to the driftwood too. I hope to do this today. I'll take pics if it turns out looking okay.

01-19-2006, 03:51 PM
I only boil my drifwood, I never tend to put in stones with the discus and I have never personally boiled any ornaments. i wash em well and pop em in. Ofcourse it all depends on what ornaments, I mean we al need to draw a limit somewhere as to what we add in our tanks. Discus are ornamental enough. Pieces of driftwood do add a nice effect.

Marie dear, tell me what you wanna stick in your tank and I'll tell ya if its ok. Hope its not a panel of a car you found that would make nice hiding spaces for the discus :p

Yes the BRAT is BACK :)


01-19-2006, 05:35 PM
Marie, don't worry about the color, it soon goes, anyways it helps soften the water some. IMO wood is the best, I've added acouple of pics I took tonight, apologies if they arn't perfect, bad day at the office AGAIN!!! so I'm having a beer!!

01-19-2006, 05:36 PM
one more, note the PBS shes laid eggs!!! I put her back in here for a rest!!! Bless! btw thats dad in the back, a really nice Red Diamond!!

01-19-2006, 06:37 PM
I only boil my drifwood, I never tend to put in stones with the discus and I have never personally boiled any ornaments. i wash em well and pop em in. Ofcourse it all depends on what ornaments, I mean we al need to draw a limit somewhere as to what we add in our tanks. Discus are ornamental enough. Pieces of driftwood do add a nice effect.

Marie dear, tell me what you wanna stick in your tank and I'll tell ya if its ok. Hope its not a panel of a car you found that would make nice hiding spaces for the discus :p

Yes the BRAT is BACK :)


Well Well Well!

The Brat Is Back! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_4_108.gif

and I will personally ask you if I can put whatever in my tank only cuz ya asked me too!!

it is a good thing you are back, Jas~

a really good thing~


01-19-2006, 06:50 PM
Hey you back. :)

I think all driftwood does leach out tannins but it slowly dissipates the longer it is in the tank plus doing daily water changes will get rid of it faster.

Do you have any bristlenose plecos in your tanks? They help with cleaning your tank. I got the driftwood for them also. I'm going to tie some anubias to the driftwood too. I hope to do this today. I'll take pics if it turns out looking okay.

Hey Barb!

I am not even sure what a bristlenose pleco is woman!! I was thinking about plants, but if i did plants, i would get 'things' along with them and then I could never put my hands in there again....lol!!

Paul~ Nice tank, babe! And you just found the babies today? Is that a community tank? First batch?? How cool is that I ask you??? aww..I am sorry you had a bad day at work, well, enjoy that beer, Sir~http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_4_10.gif

Paul, I have heard that driftwood softens the water, but what if your water is already soft? Can it be too soft? I want a piece of driftwood, but.....do not like 'creatures' attach themselves to it? and come out of no where? Do you have to boil and clean driftwood from a lfs??

As you can see, I am getting bored with BB tanks! I so wannna add some very white sand~

SAND.....any thoughts on that one??http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_12_12.gif I would die if I did that and something happened.....why fix it if it isn't broke...?


01-19-2006, 07:44 PM
I just finished putting my driftwood in the tank. I'll send you the pics via email if you want.

01-19-2006, 07:52 PM

Thanks, Barb!


01-19-2006, 08:03 PM
I got my bristlenose plecos from Barb when I got my baby discus from her. They keep the lines, cords, etc... clean.

What do you mean about "things" coming along with the plants? Snails? I ordered silk plants for the tank and they look great in there plus you can take them out to clean and air dry and then put back in. AND they don't die! I use mine to kind of hide the sponge filters.

01-19-2006, 08:41 PM
Check your email... I replied to yours!!


01-19-2006, 09:44 PM
The driftwood I just bought was labeled "Malaysian Driftwood". It was very clean. I soaked it in the tub overnight and rinsed it really well anyway. I put it in my tank and it immediately sank (some floats for a while) and it has not stained my water at all. I wouldn't mind if it did, I use "Blackwater Expert" to give it that "Amazon" look anyway. I wish I hadn't thrown the label away...

01-20-2006, 07:31 AM
Hey Barb!

I am not even sure what a bristlenose pleco is woman!! I was thinking about plants, but if i did plants, i would get 'things' along with them and then I could never put my hands in there again....lol!!

Paul~ Nice tank, babe! And you just found the babies today? Is that a community tank? First batch?? How cool is that I ask you??? aww..I am sorry you had a bad day at work, well, enjoy that beer, Sir~http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_4_10.gif

Paul, I have heard that driftwood softens the water, but what if your water is already soft? Can it be too soft? I want a piece of driftwood, but.....do not like 'creatures' attach themselves to it? and come out of no where? Do you have to boil and clean driftwood from a lfs??

As you can see, I am getting bored with BB tanks! I so wannna add some very white sand~

SAND.....any thoughts on that one??http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_12_12.gif I would die if I did that and something happened.....why fix it if it isn't broke...?


Thanks for the compliment, the pics show driftwood (bogwood in the UK!!) with plants on them, java fern and crypts. The spawn is in the display tank (community) so wont come to anything, its about the sixth or seventh spawn from this pair, I have a batch of babies growing on in another tank from them.

I always clean wood from the lfs, if you've got a big enough pan, boil it, if not scrub it under the hot water tap (wear gloves!!). That will deal with any 'creatures'! This type of wood releases tanins into the water, I've never had a ph crash through this.

White sand with driftwood and plants on the driftwood looks stunning! Only need a thin layer, the poop etc sits on the top so is easy to remove, any if you take some sand out just replace it!


01-21-2006, 04:03 AM
pool filter sand is used quite a bit. it's a nice white color. would really make the driftwood pop out at you. just have to clean it the same way you would with gravel, five gallon bucket and rinse. plus it is really cheap... 5 bucks for 50 pounds. a lot of people use it for cichlids.

01-21-2006, 11:32 AM
Hey Wheeler~

Thank You for that information! I was wondering this morning how one would clean the sand~

Pool filter Sand....pretty cool~

I will be checking that out today!
