View Full Version : automatic Feeders

09-08-2009, 10:40 AM
Hey guys,

Could you give me some advice/input on which are the best automatic feeders?


09-08-2009, 10:46 AM
There are lots of feeders out there, some better than others, but after trying some others, I have to say Eheim feeders. I'm sure others will be along, and most will agree, Eheim!

09-08-2009, 10:48 AM
Thanks Connie.

09-08-2009, 10:52 AM
Eheim :)

09-08-2009, 11:37 AM
I have the RENA LG100 fish feeder. I like it because it runs off electrical power, not batteries like most others. It's more expensive than the Eheim but never having to buy batteries again is big plus for me. ;)

09-08-2009, 12:35 PM
I have the RENA LG100 fish feeder. I like it because it runs off electrical power, not batteries like most others. It's more expensive than the Eheim but never having to buy batteries again is big plus for me. ;)

But do you ever have power outages? We sure do, hurricane country here, and I need the battery powered one.
Barb :)

09-08-2009, 01:37 PM
try getting auto feeders from ebay.....sometimes cheaper than lfs and online stores .

David Rose
09-08-2009, 01:44 PM
The lowest price I see right now for Eheim: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=4460

You may want to try eBay, but shipping cost and or returns can be an issue.

09-08-2009, 01:49 PM
try getting auto feeders from ebay.....sometimes cheaper than lfs and online stores .

I recently bought another Eheim feeder on Ebay for $18.99 or something like that. It was being called Daily Turtle Feeder, LOL!!! It is exactly the same as the fish feeder by Eheim. It looks and works exactly the same, and I've been told that Eheim does make a turtle feeder too. It's not a knock off. I'd definitely check Ebay.

09-08-2009, 01:51 PM
my goal was ultimately buy a feeder that dispensed both flakes and pellets at different times of the day but from my understanding you can only put one type of food in the Eheim auto feeders correct? if yes then that is the reason i have not yet purchased one.

09-08-2009, 02:24 PM
the eheim higher end model able to put two kinds of foods but very expensive.

my goal was ultimately buy a feeder that dispensed both flakes and pellets at different times of the day but from my understanding you can only put one type of food in the Eheim auto feeders correct? if yes then that is the reason i have not yet purchased one.

09-08-2009, 03:01 PM
I have an Eheim and a Fish Mate, I think it's called. I've put both flake and pellets together in the Eheim but it seems that in order for the flake to exit the hole, the hole has to be large which means too many pellets escape at the same time. The Fish Mate has a limited capacity and it seems to be more figidity and unreliable, but dropping it hard a couple of times probably didn't help.

09-08-2009, 04:05 PM
the eheim higher end model able to put two kinds of foods but very expensive.
Francis, have you tried the dual feeder from Eheim? Someone I know tried it and reported that he was very disappointed in it and thought it not worth the money. I'd be interested to hear other experiences with it.

My suggestion would be to purchase 2 single feeder Eheims and put flake in one and pellets in the other and have them set to feed at different times.

I have 3 different types of pellets in my Eheim and that works well. I've had flake and Tetra Color Bits together, and it worked well that way too.

09-08-2009, 04:50 PM
its a little expensive but i like the rondomatics. you can feed as many different types of food as you want since each portion is in a separate container. you have to clean it once a month, however, or the cups get stuck because food pellets can get caught between them.

09-08-2009, 08:30 PM
Eheim 3581 ;)

09-08-2009, 09:13 PM
hi connie,

I have not tried the ehiem duo chamber ones yet.......only have a couple of fish left so may wait till christmas when they are on sale.lol.

09-11-2009, 11:54 AM
Hi Connie,

Just sharing....

The Cadillac of automatic feeders
by Cichlidphile from Buffalo, NY on 7/5/2009
Recommends it to Friends: Yes
The Cadillac of feeders, with the pluses and minuses that implies. Pluses: - Powerful enough to work with Tetra Cichlid Sticks which I broke in half (painstakingly, one at a time) to better fit the feeders corkscrew mechanism. This is the only feeder Ive owned that could handle sticks, a crucial consideration for me because I own large South American cichlids (e.g. full grown Severums) that aren't crazy about small flake foods. - flexible: dual feed hoppers which can hold different food(s) and can be individually programmed to deliver 1 to 3 turns of the corkscrew, 1 to 3 times a day - precise: the corkscrews provide the most consistent delivery method Ive seen in any automatic feeder - long battery life: I installed the 4 included Duracell alkalines on or about May 10 2009 and decided to leave it running after my return specifically to test battery life. Its been running on both feed hoppers ever since and as of July 5 2009 the battery indicator still indicates "full". Minuses: - Requires familiarity with the instructions. Plan on spending at least half an hour figuring out the instructions, and at least another half an hour testing it with whatever food you are planning to use, so you can establish an appropriate feeding schedule for your fish. If you are unwilling to take the time, then its not for you. - Every automatic feeder Ive owned tends to clog in the damp basement that is my fish room. Despite a sophisticated design that minimizes exposure to moisture this one still has a hard time with flake foods in this difficult environment, but the sticks worked fine. - The only way Ive found to reprogram the unit is to wipe out the existing program and start over, I don't think you can modify an existing program. A minor annoyance, it isn't a big deal once you've run through the instructions a few times. Note: Its a bulky unit, With a footprint of 4 inches long X 3 inches wide, nearly 5 inches high and with a feeding mechanism that adds about an inch to its length. This is both a plus and a minus. Its big enough to hold quite a bit of food, and its heavy enough to sit solidly on the top of the tank so you don't have to worry about it migrating out of place. Its also tall enough to minimize exposure of the feeding mechanism to tank water. (If this sounds contradictory to what I wrote above under Minuses, its not because I'm distinguishing between exposure to tank water vs. operating in a very humid environment.) The minus is that it takes up quite a bit of space on the top of the tank, so check the measurements before you buy. (I had no problem because I installed it on a 125 gallon tank with glass tops and separate strip lights, so all I had to do was move one of the strip lights.) Summary: I took a chance on this feeder in the hope that it would keep my cichlids alive during a lengthy absence (over 3 weeks) and it came through with flying colors. Pricey but worth it, hence the 5 star rating.
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Francis, have you tried the dual feeder from Eheim? Someone I know tried it and reported that he was very disappointed in it and thought it not worth the money. I'd be interested to hear other experiences with it.

My suggestion would be to purchase 2 single feeder Eheims and put flake in one and pellets in the other and have them set to feed at different times.

I have 3 different types of pellets in my Eheim and that works well. I've had flake and Tetra Color Bits together, and it worked well that way too.