View Full Version : stocking question

09-17-2009, 12:52 AM
I have a 90 gal planted tank,at times it has alot of plant growth in it. I have two adult leopords,one adult cobalt,one adult bd,one sub-adult piegon one sub/stunted bd and a angelfish.They all seem overly competitive with food but I feed a tonne of beef heart,flake,frozen blood worm ect.The smallest of my discus gets bullied for food and hides all the time in the plants,I have had this fish for a year and I had no problems untill I swaped out two smaller discus for my good sized adult leopord pair.Anyway should I take this fish out and put it into another tank , the reason I am leary is because this fish got stunted at about 8 months because it was in a small school,will the rest of the fish co-exist with a smaller school,I know dumb questions but lack of expertise gets the best of us newbies.

09-17-2009, 03:21 PM
He'll be miserable in a tank on his own. If he is eating OK and is healthy, I'd leave him.

09-17-2009, 04:49 PM
When you feed do you spread the food around rather than just dumping it in one clump? I take a couple a minutes each time to feed my fish. I only put small bits in and a certain group of fish will go for that. That allows me to add small clump of food to another end of the tank where other fish might be so they get a chance. I try to favor the fish that need to eat more since the bullies will always get their share. I try to add food at a rate where they finish most of it before it hits the bottom. Typically within 2-3 minutes I'm done feeding.