View Full Version : Mr. Amano Comments for ADA 07 CONTEST

07-23-2010, 03:26 PM
Source from Aquasaigon.com website.
***Go to the link below to see the images from the contest and match it with the world ranking number and read the translation. I did this because it take forever to resize the images to post it here. Hope you enjoy.


World Ranking 0028
This tank will have problem with the white sand in the long run. He recommanded to put small leave plants in front and large leaves plant at the back. Because this tank is small, small leave plants should be planted.

World Ranking 0029
This tank set up is not uniform. The stone got cover by the plants

World Ranking 0030
This tank got marks dedcution because placing driftwood near the glass. The driftwood don't match. Driftwood at the back should create a focal point for the tank.

World Ranking 0037
Driftwood don't look natural. This kind of wood should not be used. If this wood is to be use, it should be place at the back of the tank. The sand line is too straight that doesn't looks good.

World Ranking 0038
Wood divided into 3 parts but its too similar in size. If different sizes, it should look much better.

World Ranking 0051
This tank does not have a topic which cannot find what its trying to say. Small plants let the stone take away it beauty. Two kind of plant should not be use in 1 setup. 3 or more type of plants should be used for setup.

World Ranking 0056
The moss in this tank supress the wood. The tall plant should be planted on the left side.

World Ranking 0059
Messy wood layout in this tank. Wood should not be place at 45 degree. The plant in the center midde of this thank should no be use because it take away the depth of the tank. This plan should be planted in the corner.

World Ranking 0072
This tank missing a focal point. The leafs should be trim to allows new leafs to grow to have better appearance.

World Ranking 0078
The wood on the left is too big. A lot of wood and plants creates the feeling of disorganize. When set up your tank, 4 angle should be considered, upper and lower left corner, upper and lower right corner. Judges are very strick on this and will deduct mark.

World Ranking 0090
The left portion look good but it missing a focal point. Front of the tank should have more empty space. Using asian plant should have asian fish also.

World Ranking 0094
The plant is not mature, the driftwood at the back cast a shadow on the glass. The lighting at the back is too bright. Looking at this tank, I cannot tells what the author of this tank trying to say.

World Ranking 0112
This tank also does not tell the viewer anything. Anubias should be take away.This tank give a hard image in front and soft at the back and it should be the opposite.

World Ranking 0115

This tank will greatly improve if there is more open spaces in the front center of the setup.

World Ranking 0123
The wood is not uniform. The wood on the right looks good but the left side look like its floating on water surface.

World Ranking 0126
This tank wil become more vibrant to look at if more moss( not sure how this word for this name of plant but I think its moss) and add more stone. Nymphaeaceae should not be use because once it mature it will ruin your layout.

07-24-2010, 12:39 AM
Thank you very much for your translations.


07-24-2010, 12:48 AM
amano has spoken.....