View Full Version : My Water change System

Discus Dreams
01-03-2011, 10:16 PM
I know its not much but, this is my latest invention to change water in the two tanks in my bedroom!

01-04-2011, 06:16 PM
I know its not much but, this is my latest invention to change water in the two tanks in my bedroom!

Well, for one thing, the picture is too small for us old folks to even see (well, old like me!), and second, you didn't describe the system. Just saying . . .

01-04-2011, 06:19 PM
is this a waterchange system for Bettas?! sure looks small ;)

Discus Dreams
01-04-2011, 09:58 PM
Sorry guys when I tried posting the first time it told me it was to big an attachment, Basically it just routes water from a storage drum via a pump into the two tanks, at the other end I have a hose which can siphon the water off.
Basically your doing the water change with turning knobs and making sure nothing goes wrong whilst filling...so far all has been well.