View Full Version : Water changes

05-10-2011, 12:43 AM
Someone please correct me if I am wrong, which is very likely. Can I mount a water pump (size?) on the inside of my tank. Attach a hose to one end of the pump which drains the water below my tank. Attach another pump inside an aged water barrel and have a hose return water to the tank. Thanks, Christian

Darrell Ward
05-10-2011, 01:39 AM
Yeah, I suppose you could, but why? You only need one pump. Drop in in the pump with hose attached to drain the tank, and then use the same pump to refill the tank. To do both functions at once only wastes water, as you are pumping clean water into the tank, mixing it with dirty water, and removing this mix from the tank at the same time you're trying to do a water change. The size of the pump you need depends on how much water you need to move in a certain amount of time.

05-18-2011, 12:53 PM
Sure you can. That's almost what I do. I have a utility pump I use for cleaning that tank and getting dirty water out. Clear tubing into the tank - garden hose to the utility sink in the garage. I have a submersed clear water sump pump in my aging barrel in my basement. That is plumbed to a line with a faucet that I attach a clean water hose at the top of the basement stairway to the first floor. First I pump out the old tank water and clean up the debris, then (using a remote control for the sump pump) I fill the tank from my ageing barrel. Piece of cake - I change 80% of my 55 every second day and it takes me all of 15-20 minutes start to finish.

Agree with Darrell - you don't want to do these operations simultaneously.

05-20-2011, 09:03 AM
Nice, what kind of remote you use?

06-04-2011, 12:39 PM
Sorry - didn't see this! I just use a power remote from home depot. You plug it into the outlet then plug the appliance into the remote box. The actual remote fob just turns power on and off to the box at the outlet.
