View Full Version : Relationship between ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations

11-27-2011, 08:49 PM
As I understand it, the atomic weight of NH4 is 18, NO2=46, and NO3=62. (Most of the ammonia in the tank is in the form of ammonium, with an atomic weight of 18 as opposed to 17 for NH3.)

If my biofilter processes 1 ppm of ammonia, does that (temporarily) increase NO2 by 2.6 ppm NO2 and ultimately increase NO3 by 3.4 ppm NO3? (I know some test kits measure the NO2-N and NO3-N concentrations, but I'm looking at the scale used by the API test kit.) 46/18 = 2.6, and 62/18 = 3.4

Thus, when cycling my tank, if I add 4 ppm ammonia, the NO2 should go to 10.4 ppm, assuming the NO2->NO3 bacteria haven't started acting yet. So if my NO2 is at 1.5 ppm after the bacteria reduce the ammonia from 4 ppm to 0 in one day, that means the NO2->NO3 process is moving along as well, even though it's not yet zero, correct?

11-27-2011, 09:03 PM
you are assuming there is a 1:1:1 stoichiometric ratio between NH3:NO2:NO3.

Sean Buehrle
11-27-2011, 09:28 PM
I think you've nailed it :)