View Full Version : How Do You Know Who the Head Honcho is?

07-16-2012, 05:47 PM
I have 7 Discus that were all bought at the same time. I see different levels of picking on each other everyday. I have a blue Pigeon Blood that was a bully to everyone initially but he has since backed off and now only picks on a marlboro red who is outgrowing him/her and he leaves the rest of them alone. I have a Pigeon Blood that picks on nobody and nobody messes with him/her. I have a Blue Diamond that picks on all of the smaller guys, but leaves the bigger ones alone. The little ones pick on each other all of the time.

I'm thinking the Pigeon Blood rules the tank and is probably a female. I think the blue Pigeon Blood is shooting for head male and the marlboro red is thinking the same thing.

So who do you think is in charge here? BTW the biggest ones are about 4" the smallest ones 3-3.5"

07-16-2012, 05:59 PM
It will change constantly

07-16-2012, 08:44 PM
Yes it will change constantly.. till this day I still am not sure who is the big cheese. Who I thought was the big cheese is no more.. well maybe cause shes laying eggs now but fights for dominance will always occur and will change overtime.