I have an 80 gallon bowfront tank that has 5 discus (all approx. 4"), 2 bristlenose, and 5 skunk loaches (controlling a trumpet snail issue). It's a black sand bottom with a handful of fake plants and I'm running twin emperor 400's. I am considering a XP3 to replace one of the emperors. The tank has been up and running well for about 6 months now and I'm looking to add to the stocking to start rounding the tank out to where I would like to see it. I have 2 4" fire red discus coming in a couple weeks. After that I would like add some rams and some rummynose. My question is how many of each or one or the other? My thought was 5-6 rams and 10-12 rummys. Not adding everything at once so this will be added over the next month or two. Any thoughts, suggestions or corrections would be appreciated! Thanks all!