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Thread: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

  1. #1
    Registered Member Discus-n00b's Avatar
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    Default One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Not talking about summer, the heat is brutal....I am talking about however Blueberry season! We have a small orchard full of them at our farm, we get buckets full all summer long and you just can't beat fresh blueberries off of the bush. Went out to the farm today to check on them, looks to be a productive season. I'll have to take a picture of the yield in a month or so, it really is crazy we end up freezing cartons of them because we can't eat enough.

    All of the bushes all the way to the large treeline are blueberries. There are also a few that flank and are behind the camera.

    This is my bush I transplanted from the farm to the house. Had so much growth at the farm might as well bring one home. Wake up in the morning and grab a handful to throw in cereal or oatmeal, or in some pancakes....can't beat that!

    We are also starting some apples, though not sure how good these will be yet just a few test trees really. Along with some citrus.

    Some old relics sitting around. The truck will eventually get a restoration job, old Chevy still has most of the original wooden bed, interior is original and in really good condition.

    A bit older than the of the old plows lol

    I really want to get out there this summer with my good camera, lots to photograph. All of these were just with an iphone on a quick trip. The property has been in the family at least the better part of a century but given the stories I've heard goes back to the Civil War, lots of cool stuff out there.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    That would be nice! We had blueberries here when I was a kid but now I don't see them as much anymore. Same with blackberries. Blackberries used to grow wild all over the place and now I never see any. I probably miss those the most.

    I didn't realize apples would grow this far south. When will yours be ready? I'm curious to know how they turned out in terms of flavor.

    We are also in watermelon season here, which is my favorite time of the year.

  3. #3
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Very cool Matt. There is nothing better then walking out into your own yard and picking your own fruit. We planted ten citrus trees this spring so have some good fruit production in about two years. We had 18 trees at the old house and no way we could eat all the fruit.

    Love that old truck.
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  4. #4
    Registered Member Discus-n00b's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Here is the first haul of the summer. Started with close to 6 buckets full, ended up with 2 and a half buckets after splitting them up with the family. Stays like this all through summer too, needless to say the birds eat well and we still have plenty left for us.

  5. #5
    Registered Member Len's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Do you pick them by hand or use a blueberry rake?


  6. #6
    Registered Member Discus-n00b's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    We do it by hand Len. I'm not sure a rake would work on our bushes, they aren't low or even like wild blueberries.....what a rake would be good at. Some of our bushes top out close to 6-7ft. And I feel like it would grab to many of the green ones off. I'm sure thats why we have such large yields each time because we aren't picking many of the green berries. Maybe will have to try it on one bush though as picking by hand in 114F heat index is not all that fun lol.

  7. #7
    Registered Member Len's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Even with a rake it's hard work. I used to go to my grandparents when I was a kid so I could go scooping blueberries and now don't even want to look at them lol


  8. #8
    Registered Member Discus-n00b's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Here we are a year later, I know you folks in the NE and places out west are still getting snow so I'd thought I'd chime in and let you know the first blueberries are already on the bush! Have multiple lemons on the tree as well. I'm about to order my Kiwi plants as we speak, going to try and get them going and established before the real hot summer kick in. Need to build an arbor for them, but that will have to wait a few weeks when I have a weekend free.

    Eat your hearts out snowbirds!

  9. #9
    Registered Member laborelch's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Love blueberries! Especially blueberry pancakes... have only 3 young bushes (not worth taking a picture) - and got a whole 4 (!) blueberries from them last year ... hope they'll produce more this year ...

  10. #10
    Registered Member rickztahone's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Quote Originally Posted by laborelch View Post
    Love blueberries! Especially blueberry pancakes... have only 3 young bushes (not worth taking a picture) - and got a whole 4 (!) blueberries from them last year ... hope they'll produce more this year ...
    You can enjoy one great sitting of pancakes

    Matt, that is something I would love to have growing in my back yard.

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  11. #11
    Registered Member Discus-n00b's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Blueberry pancakes are the BEST! Especially with fresh blueberries, we freeze them to have them past summer time but the fresh ones are the best.

    Pot one up Ricardo! I'm sure there is some variety you could grow out there. Can't tell you what variety I'm growing now, the original bushes have been in the family as long as I have memory. Mine in the backyard is in a 25 gal type of pot. And I have a smaller one next to it. Only pain is on a smaller bush you may want to net it when the fruit comes in as the birds love them. On our larger bushes we have more than we can handle so the birds get their fill and we don't worry with nets, but at home I put one over in the summer time. It's a pain when you want to go grab some to eat but at least you get some to eat.

    I now have 4 Hayward fuzzy kiwi plants in route to me! Getting two males because if you lose one you are basically a season behind. I'd rather double up my chance of pollination of the females and the chance of them living.

  12. #12
    Registered Member rickztahone's Avatar
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    Default Re: One of my favorite seasons is approaching

    Quote Originally Posted by Discus-n00b View Post
    Blueberry pancakes are the BEST! Especially with fresh blueberries, we freeze them to have them past summer time but the fresh ones are the best.

    Pot one up Ricardo! I'm sure there is some variety you could grow out there. Can't tell you what variety I'm growing now, the original bushes have been in the family as long as I have memory. Mine in the backyard is in a 25 gal type of pot. And I have a smaller one next to it. Only pain is on a smaller bush you may want to net it when the fruit comes in as the birds love them. On our larger bushes we have more than we can handle so the birds get their fill and we don't worry with nets, but at home I put one over in the summer time. It's a pain when you want to go grab some to eat but at least you get some to eat.

    I now have 4 Hayward fuzzy kiwi plants in route to me! Getting two males because if you lose one you are basically a season behind. I'd rather double up my chance of pollination of the females and the chance of them living.
    We have birds here that eat my mother-in-laws hot chili peppers. Of course birds do not have the ability to actually taste the spiciness but it sure peeves off my mother-in-law for her chilies!

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