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Thread: Devon's 240

  1. #166
    Registered Member Jack L's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    very slick

  2. #167
    Registered Member Debow's Avatar
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    Devon Cropley

    Default Re: Devon's 240

    Small update,
    This weekend was busy for me. I Moved my rack again to make room behind it for my three 55k barrels so I had to shorten the plumbing and drain all the tanks. I have the barrels prepped for plumbing and bought the pumps needed to evacuate the waste water out of the house and pump the aged water into the needed tanks. I also painted half the room while the rack was out of the way which was needed. I placed a order for some 1'' uniseals and hope to have them plumbed this weekend. I am doing all this in an effort to make changing the water easier and more efficient, I am sick of lugging 5g buckets up and down the stairs to do water changes on the smaller tanks. Also I will have 110 gallons of aged water ready for the 240 and the other smaller tanks. I will no longer have to run a hose out to the yard in the winter to drain the tanks I'll just be able to drain it into one of the barrels that will pump it into the gutter drain. I will probably add some timers and such to help automate the process but I will get to that later.

  3. #168
    Registered Member Debow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    So long overdue update. It pains me to do it but I have decided to take down the tank and move to two smaller setups in the meantime. We have fell on some harder times this year and need to cut cost where we can and this beast is a money sucker. I have already moved the tank and stand into the basement where it will stay for the next year or so, I have kept in place the water change set up to take care of the other tanks but left the plumbing that was ran through the wall and the floor. It was one of the hardest this to do and when I pulled the plug (literally) I was a sad day. In some ways it feels like defeat but it others it is a relief. I don't plan on selling any of the equipment seeing that has been the brunt of the cost and it will be easier to start back up when the time comes. The whole project took 2 weekends and was very depressing... I have had it down for a month now and have noticed a $70 decrease in my electric bill which is helping a lot. Right now this tank being down allows me more time to play with my daughter and spend time with the family which I really enjoy. As easy as I made it to go 100 gallon water changes 3 times a week I still didn't have enough time to spend with my daughter and not miss all the little things she is learning. I will keep my discus and the roseline barbs and have gave away the plecos kept the plants that were in good shape and ditched all the substrate. I'll have to post some pictures of the two current setups soon. Right now I will save the money regroup and hit it hard when the finances allow. I will me going a diffrent route next time for sure. Well that is it for now. Sighhhhh.

  4. #169
    Homesteader Altum Nut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    Must have been a hard choice Devon but family is most important. Your monster tank will be there when your good and ready.

    "Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."
    -John Wooden

  5. #170
    Registered Member Jack L's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    sorry man, been there before, but you can always get back into it.
    keeping the tank is a smart move if you can. i didn't and wish later i would have.

  6. #171
    Registered Member Debow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    Ya, I think there is a silver lining here so not to bad of a choice. I already have plans and a vision of the new setup rushing around in my head lol Figured if I keep the gear I will definitely be able to start up a big tank again but if I were to sell it off I'd never be able to find the money to repurchase it again at this time in my life. Only problem is everytime I see the empty tank I get a little sad lol So I try and stay away from it for the time being.

  7. #172
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    Sorry to hear Devon, glad you are keeping your discus. I am sure the time spend with your daughter really helps ease the pain but the tank and fish will be there when you are ready. The time spend with your daughter can never be recovered.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  8. #173
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    Hi Dev and sorry to hear you had to taken a step back, the tank was looking super! reading thru your journal was great and good luck.

  9. #174
    Registered Member Debow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    Well I took a deposit on the 240 today. This tank is going to make its way to South Carolina with a very nice lady and her husband. I’m not going to lie but it makes me sad to see it go but it had to be done, I couldn’t stand walking in the room I had it in and just seeing it empty collecting dust. I hope one day I can do it again but for now we have to say good by. I still will keep discus and love the hobby just in a much smaller scale. Just going to enjoy the time watching my family grow just like I watch those beautiful flat fish grow.

  10. #175
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Devon's 240

    Hi Devon, it will be like seeing an old friend left but sometimes it is time to move on. I will be getting my 230 back online soon. It has been sitting for 2 years
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

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