Golden State Discus

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Thread: Skittish discus!!

  1. #1
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Skittish discus!!

    Well I just got 4 of Kenny’s discus. Beautiful looking fish but these fish are unbelievably skittish. All my tanks
    inhabitants greet me when I come into the room. These guys slam themselves into the glass as if to break free. If I sit in my chair and don’t move they come out and swim around. But if I move they’re gone. I mean they’re trying to get behind the heater.

    Now they’re eating but the eye to mouth coordination is severely lacking. Is this because they were hand fed? And the floating food just baffles them?

    Water changes are also pretty scary. I mean they are jumping out of the water to get away from the hose. I’m changing 50% daily and other than being scared to death the water changes go fine. I’m thinking I should shut the light off for a few more days? I don’t know? Never had this problem before. Should I lessen the water changes? Some pics of them from the last 10 min.198B04D5-32EC-44B6-9B75-49DEFD0C9E43.jpg8B69FECC-FCF3-4448-9E29-5F7147FAED92.jpg this is when I move6B9749F6-3076-4EBB-9D98-0A9483BAA9A6.jpg and a few min laterF8FF50A0-3D22-4C99-AC84-4C6F5CEDCF12.jpg
    Should I remove the plants and wood?

  2. #2
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    When I get a discus shipment, they go into a darken tank and I'll leave them alone for 24 hours before putting in some food. In your case, I'd even drape the tank with towels to give them a little privacy. Not only are they stressed from the trip, but they've never been in such an exposed situation before. Discus are kept crowded together throughout their lives so a huge tank can be intimidating for small fish.

    Good luck, Willie
    At my age, everything is irritating.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Hey Tom,

    I can actually speak from experience since I've bought 6 of Kenny's Discus recently in August. I had the same issue initially, however the more they got used to my presence the less it happened. When I first got them, they were incredibly skittish and would freak out. I was super careful with them and gentle with every move I made. To make them accustomed to my presence, I sat in front of the tank every night for 20 minutes (granted, I'm not sure how much this helped but it let me learn their personalities). However, it's been just about a month now and now they won't stop bothering me when I'm trying to do water changes. Every time I try to do a water change and vacuum they gravel, they block my view thinking I'm about to feed them! Give it some time and give them some TLC and they'll come around.

    Hopefully this helps!

  4. #4
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Thanks guys. Yes I’m hopping they calm down. Today’s day 6 so they’re still new. They’ve got time I’m just hopping they don’t hurt themselves. Willie they were in the dark for 3 days. When I first put the light on they were all right but they just seem to get worse daily and freak out at feeding time and water change time. I didn’t change the water yesterday and have put the lighting on a 3am time so it’s just a blue light.

  5. #5
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Hi Tom,

    Check your water parameters just to ensure the tank is not experiencing a mini-cycle. When doing your water changes stay on one side of the tank or the other. This allows the fish room to retreat (hopefully) and feel safe. If you approach the tank and they dart stop and let them turn and face you before proceeding. Be aware if you are walking in front of a window which the fish can see. You will look like a dark shadow. The opposite apply if you walk into and out of sunlight.

    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  6. #6
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    I've had some do this as well Most recently were my 2018 contest fish. I got them at 3/8" and they were fine. At about 3+ inches, they became extremely skittish and dated around the tank, crashed into the walls and one even jumped through a 1" gap in the hood. I noticed that it only took one single discus to begin the darting, then another would follow, then another and then all the sudden they were all freaking out. After about 3 months they just stopped. I don't know...

    challenge 79.jpg

  7. #7
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Well waters all good. But I still changed 70% yesterday. They were fine for the water change and less skittish today. So hopefully they’re improving. Will do another change tonight.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    In my experience they like a lot of clutter, if you look at any video of discus in the wild they will always be hiding among branches and doing their very best to not be seen.

  9. #9
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Well it’s still hit or miss. Some days there alright others skittish. FE5C8319-D03C-45B6-9DBC-9AB3720813CE.jpg

  10. #10
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Well I spoke to soon . Seems the lead red has banged his head pretty hard. Has a few scratches but is just hanging by the filter for at least an hour now. The others have left him and are swimming around though they keep going back. No idea what to do for this type of injury? Or is it just stressed from whatever it did? No clue!

  11. #11
    Registered Member Shan_Evolved's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Aw man sorry to hear they're being difficult to deal with. It must be stressful for you Tom. Hopefully with time they get better. I'm sure the lead red will recover and is just stressed. Did you try the towel idea?
    Amateur discuskeeper, Professional doofus

  12. #12
    Registered Member + MVP danotaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Tom I would add salt at 3tbsp/10gal just to ensure no opportunistic bacterial infection can take root. Just until the scratches heal up. Salt also has a soothing calming effect on fish so it may help the overall transition out of skittishness.
    Last edited by danotaylor; 10-05-2020 at 09:47 PM.

  13. #13
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Thanks gang . Yeah Shan it’s a pita but I’m not stressing it . No idea what’s up the water is good. They’re just skittish. It’s a bare tank but there are some pieces of wood and potted plants in it. Also 4 rams and 2 corys. So all that may be adding to it. Dan it’s out with the rest now though they do continue to hide when I feed. They eat once I move away so that’s good. I will give it a few more days. They were coming around before it hit something. Just a small scrape no cut so I’m holding off on the salt. I’m doing 50% water changes now. But if it doesn’t get better I’ll remove the plants and add salt.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    I think time will cure this. IN the meantime try not to wear the clown costume or anything related to the New York Jets when you are near the tank. Can the fish view Baby Big Ben from the tank?

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Skittish discus!!

    Those are very nice fish. Im only a few days with new fish also. At first they bounced around a lot mostly with any vibration. i haven't spotted any damage, but I heard a thud against the glass.
    I dimmed my lights way down to like <10%. I have extra circulation pumps - I dialed those to min and only run a few times a day.

    Mine have settled down some already. Now they come to me when I walk up to tank. They see me as food :-)

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