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Thread: Swimming with my Discus

  1. #16
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Default Re: Swimming with my Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by Pices View Post
    wow-looks great and the downsides aren't bad compared to some of the other ones we've dealt with. The only problem for me is I am now in the habit of pulling a small fish out of my sock at least once or twice a week. I'm not sure how he gets sucked up all the time but I'm starting to think he likes the ride. I will have to remove those fish before I add the foam but I'm glad it's working out. Your discus look so happy and healthy so all the work is paying off! Great video! Thanks for posting those pictures for me. I would have never understood it otherwise!
    Poor fish. He must just like the spot where he gets sucked into the vortex!

    Thanks for the kind words Patty. The video was done before the sump overhaul. They are really growing though. It is really fun to watch.

    I had to call Eshopps to send me an inside measurement of the sump since it has that funny angled wall inside the sock compartment and mine was full of water. Swiss Tropicals wanted me to do the math to figure out how many cubic inches to see how many gallons of cubes I would need. Math? Me? Got the engineering student to do it. Yikes. I also used the measurements to make a template to cut the foam blocks. I got 2 sets out of each sheet.

    Good luck with your transition. I hope you get yours settled soon. I now how frustrating it is. Have you thought of a UV for the algae? My tank is right by a window- I have no idea why I don't have any. Keep us posted!
    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Swimming with my Discus

    Brilliant video with the Gopro there!!! This is something i haven't even thought of doing yet!! Also great pictures of the tank. Keep it up

  3. #18
    Registered Member Pices's Avatar
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    Default Re: Swimming with my Discus

    Hi Jenene,
    I have a UV filter but figuring out how to hook it up is a problem. My lfs guy said he would do it, but I'm still waiting. Time for me to start bugging him in earnest.
    In other news, I'm changing the water 2 days ago and checking out my intake tubes on the 75 gal (always looking for dirt/gunk) and what do I see? Eggs! I've known love was in the air between my golden lollipop and Red Eagle, but they've taken it to the next level now-came home last night and saw that they had caviar for an appetizer, but still neat to see the way they guard those eggs before they devoured them!

  4. #19
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Default Re: Swimming with my Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by Pices View Post
    Hi Jenene,
    I have a UV filter but figuring out how to hook it up is a problem. My lfs guy said he would do it, but I'm still waiting. Time for me to start bugging him in earnest.
    In other news, I'm changing the water 2 days ago and checking out my intake tubes on the 75 gal (always looking for dirt/gunk) and what do I see? Eggs! I've known love was in the air between my golden lollipop and Red Eagle, but they've taken it to the next level now-came home last night and saw that they had caviar for an appetizer, but still neat to see the way they guard those eggs before they devoured them!
    That's awesome Patty!
    If anything it shows they are really happy in your water. You are doing it right!

    My Golden Checkerboard has laid eggs 3 times with 2 different fish (assuming males but who really knows until there is a wriggler!) The eggs never lasted long and became a snack. I think part of that is they are still a bit young and figuring out what to do. I will never say never but I mostly likely would just leave them it they did hatch. I would have a really hard time culling fish that are not perfect and doing maintenance on many tanks and then trying to re-home them.

    Enjoy your success as a fish keeper and good luck getting that UV on. Would a plumber be able to do it? They should understand flow rates at least. Is there a reef store near you? They should know people that design and/or maintain tanks.
    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields

  5. #20
    Registered Member Phillydubs's Avatar
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    Default Re: Swimming with my Discus

    Do your mating fish show any aggression or throw off the tank balance at all?

    Raising fish is very hard and time consuming, good on you to admit you can't do it and let nature handle it's course. I tried to make that venture and dive in and I quit before I even had fry! LOL... I commend those who do it at all and the ones who do it well are just impressive to me.

  6. #21
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Default Re: Swimming with my Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by Phillydubs View Post
    Do your mating fish show any aggression or throw off the tank balance at all?

    Raising fish is very hard and time consuming, good on you to admit you can't do it and let nature handle it's course. I tried to make that venture and dive in and I quit before I even had fry! LOL... I commend those who do it at all and the ones who do it well are just impressive to me.
    The aggression is not terrible. The first time they used the corner flow wall and no one else really hangs over there. If someone did venture over they were "redirected". The next two times they used the mopani wood and everyone else kind of just ignored them. They never really guarded the eggs long because they became horderves for the guy very soon after. So it has not been an issue yet. No new attempts since I brought in the Eruption Leopard and the new Checkeboard which is odd but fine with me.

    I give breeders a ton of respect. As you know it takes a a lot of energy, resources and information to get them from egg to adult. I just enjoyed growing mine from teenagers to adults to the best of my ability and watching others here raise their fry.
    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields

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