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Thread: My grow out tank

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default My grow out tank

    I everyone

    I thought I should post my tank (finally)

    Currently here is my setup tank size roughly 50 gallons 36 x 18 x 18 rimless starphire tank.

    5 discus ranging from 3.5" - just over 4" one red turk 2 blue diamonds, one eruption something (I forget the name) and the other one I also dont know the name of anyone know what they are please let me know

    Filter ehiem 2217 loaded with coarse foam pads and one pad of floss. Intake is also pre-filtered with a sponge on the intake.

    An air stone for added aeration

    Lighting 2 x 39w t5 HO. 1 bulb 10k giesemann 1 bulb aqua flora giesemann bulb. (Changing soon to LED)

    Heater is a 300w Jager and the temp sits at 83

    Daily routine is 2-3 feeding's per day of freeze dried Australian blackworms. Some days more and once or twice a week supplemented with blood worms or Hikari discus pellets.

    They share the tank with one bristlenose pleco and 3 german blue rams.

    The tank gets a 50 - 70 WC per day and the glass is wiped once or twice a week.

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do going forward once they are grown out I might go for a larger tank or I may keep only 2 if I end up with a pair and keep them in the same tank.

    Regardless once the fish are grown out this tank or their new home will be planted with safe easy to grow plants and a thin layer of sand.

    Here is a couple of pictures of the tank. If anyone has any comments or suggestions regarding my setup or regmine please chime in. I'm concerned only about raising healthy fish and I have thick skin so if I can do something better I will.

  2. #2
    Registered Member Phillydubs's Avatar
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    Default Re: My grow out tank

    Very nice clean simple set up! I like it...

    Can you post some more pics of the fish? Where did you get them, how long have you had them, seen any growth?

    All else sounds well from what I read. The only issue that most will prob point out is your lack of top. That is obviously a risk you need to be willing to take as discus can get spooked and jump.

    You also would be fine growing them out and leaving the group as is should they behave. If you have a bigger tank or a planted set-up you want them to go in then by all means move them but the current stock you have now with the high upkeep would be fine!

    Good luck and keep the posts coming and the pics!

  3. #3
    Registered Member MissJefe's Avatar
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    Default Re: My grow out tank

    Very simple and beautiful!!!!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: My grow out tank

    Hi Phillydubs

    Yeah the lid thing is something I need to get sorted. It's rimless so I need to get some clips and get some glass cut. I ordered some clips and they already arrived I just haven't gotten around to finding someone to cut some for me.

    I got the fish around the first week of November I originally put them in my planted tank but that didn't work out well the fish seemed ok but the plants started to suffer and algae soon started. The heavy feeding's, raised temperature, daily waterchanges and deep substrate bed made it difficult for the fish and plants. I stripped everything down about 3 weeks after I got the fish. They didn't grow much until recently. I'd say they have all grown 3/4" except the red turk he's hardly grown and if definitely stunted. The red turk was purchased at a lfs close to my house and the rest were purchased at another lfs.

    Here is a few pics This one was about 3-4 days after I got them

    That last one was taken several days back.

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