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Thread: Discus Tankmates discussion

  1. #1
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    Default Discus Tankmates discussion

    What is the opinion on Angels (plan is to get mid sized Angels once Discus are fully grown), Rainbowfish and a single male Betta as tank mates for fully grown Discus.
    What about a couple of Dwarf Gourami/Flame Gourami with them?

    Heard conflicting views on them, so thought I would ask opinion of people who are experienced with discus.

    Getting discus soon and wondering what tank mates I can keep with them apart from Rams, tetras & Corys with them?
    I have a 4x2x2 tank (about 120 gal)

  2. #2
    Registered Member zhuls1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    Hey Hidan, not so sure about the rainbowfish and angels but I imagine the betta would be too small to go with the discus, will probably have their fins pecked on and ultimately will get too stressed. But this is just my opinion, others might have a different point of view.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    When I first started out with discus I mixed them with a big male betta. The discus were young and the tank was heavily planted. Although the discus never molested the betta, they also didn't thrive in my tank, and from what I know now I def wouldnt mix them. I feel my discus now would harass a slow moving betta and nip its fins off. Plus the betta would hate the huge open concept tank.

    I also mixed a golden gourami with this discus early on and she immediately had to be removed because she attacked them. I would have reservations about mixing large gourami due to aggression, and also mixing smaller gouramis becAuse like the betta they couldn't stand up to a pecking adult discus.

    I've seen some ppl successfully mix discus and angels, but it has never worked for me. The angels always chased the discus and ate more aggressively than the discus so I had to feed extra amounts and then clean the tank more or remove them when they started chasing.

    I could see rainbows working out, but again they will be more aggressive feeders and I wouldn't personally choose them because they are too fast moving.

    The longer I have my discus the less and less I have any desire to mix them with any species. I have one dwarf pleco and some adopted rummy nose tetras in my tank and it seems really full and lively and colourful. Discus grow quite large, so even if the tank feels bare when they are young, they will soon fill it up.
    Last edited by Kyla; 12-13-2017 at 09:29 AM.

  4. #4
    Registered Member Ryan925's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    I have some dwarf neon rainbows with my discus and they pretty much stay away from the discus
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  5. #5
    Registered Member jmf3460's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    angel fish: possibly if the tank is large enough to house large schools (5+) of each species to minimize aggression
    rainbowfish: no, their erratic swimming and aggression during feeding will cause stress to the discus and the discus will likely get out eaten and suffer
    male betta: is this a serious option??? no
    gourami: the only gourami I would put with discus would be the peaceful chocolate gourami, otherwise they are too aggressive and would likely out compete the discus for food

    other options you may not know about that I have had tons of success housing with discus: dicrossus filamentosus, laetacara dorsigera or laetacara curviceps, cleithracara maroni, german blue rams, bolivian rams, guianacara geayi

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    mixing smaller gouramis becAuse like the betta they couldn't stand up to a pecking adult discus.
    Hmm. I always assume Discus were pacifists and kept thinking about fish that won't attack Discus, didn't consider the it the other way round.

    Plus the betta would hate the huge open concept tank.
    I was thinking of the Gouramies and Betta after the Discus are grown and I have a planted tank. Just assumed they would add some different shapes and colours to the tank.

    other options you may not know about that I have had tons of success housing with discus: dicrossus filamentosus, laetacara dorsigera or laetacara curviceps, cleithracara maroni, german blue rams, bolivian rams, guianacara geayi
    Doubtful I can get any of those fish but Rams in my country. Will have to stick with more regular/common fish. The fish hobby is developing but at a slower pace here.

    rainbowfish: no, their erratic swimming and aggression during feeding will cause stress to the discus and the discus will likely get out eaten and suffer
    Hmm. Was thinking of Rainbowfish as a dither given someone just stated that grown Discus will eventually eat Cardinals and am not a big fan of Rummynose. Guess Rainbows aren't a viable option.

    the only gourami I would put with discus would be the peaceful chocolate gourami,
    We get Flame Gouramis as Dwarf Gouramis who are beautiful, don't get very big and are known to be peaceful.

  7. #7
    Registered Member zhuls1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    [QUOTE=Hidan;1278792]Hmm. I always assume Discus were pacifists and kept thinking about fish that won't attack Discus, didn't consider the it the other way round.

    Far from it. My discus are constantly picking on each other. Remember, discus are a cichlid and will always act like a cichlid, even if they are a little less agressive then some of the other cichlids.

  8. #8
    Registered Member farebox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    I had rainbows and angel fish mixed with my 125G discus tank. I didn't like the mix, so ended with just some cardinal tetras, German blue tams, and sterbai cories as tankmates. All is calm and nice looking. Also I placed an female betta in the tank because domestic violence in the betta tank with an male, lol. Good luck in your selection for tankmates, just wanted to let you know what has worked for my tank at the present.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by farebox View Post
    I had rainbows and angel fish mixed with my 125G discus tank. I didn't like the mix, so ended with just some cardinal tetras, German blue tams, and sterbai cories as tankmates. All is calm and nice looking. Also I placed an female betta in the tank because domestic violence in the betta tank with an male, lol. Good luck in your selection for tankmates, just wanted to let you know what has worked for my tank at the present.
    However did the Angels and Rainbows negatively affect the fully grown Discus?
    I like a tank full of activity and rainbows and Angels would provide that. I just don't want that, if it means my discus would be negatively affected.
    Seems to be different experiences from different discus keepers, so wondering what your experience was.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    I am looking at setting up a discus aquarium and my wife wants to know if killifish are a viable option for tank mate
    I am looking at German blue Rams/gold Rams and some certain strains of killifish if possible. Any information or suggestions would be great. Aquarium is 75 gallons.

  11. #11
    Registered Member Ryan925's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by dmmaclellan85 View Post
    I am looking at setting up a discus aquarium and my wife wants to know if killifish are a viable option for tank mate
    I am looking at German blue Rams/gold Rams and some certain strains of killifish if possible. Any information or suggestions would be great. Aquarium is 75 gallons.
    I don't think killifish can tolerate discus temps but I don't have experience with them.

    Choosing tank mates for discus is limited by their higher temps and also fish that are aggressive feeders or highly active which can stress them
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  12. #12
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    A quick question.

    Can Black Neons and Glowlight tetras do well in a discus grow out tank as dither?
    Thinking of putting in a combo of Cardinal, Black Neons and Glowlights in the tank to add a dash of color to the tank.

  13. #13
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Hidan View Post
    A quick question.

    Can Black Neons and Glowlight tetras do well in a discus grow out tank as dither?
    Thinking of putting in a combo of Cardinal, Black Neons and Glowlights in the tank to add a dash of color to the tank.
    They'd be fine as dither fish. The strange thing is that some groups of discus may eat them While others may not. I have cherry shrimp with mine right now and was hoping that some of my discus would eat them but instead the shrimp have multiplied Out of Control. Really just depends.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    I have tetras and i have some orange seam plecos and some corys. I love an active tank and the tetras schooling and the Corys sweeping the bottom of the tank all compliment the smooth swimming discus. I can sit and look at my tank for hours.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Discus Tankmates discussion

    What are the opinions on Cherry Barbs. They seem like they could handle 28 degrees and from everything I have read they aren't too quick, nor are they aggressive fish.
    They seem like a nice option as shoalers and want to add around 8 of them with Cardinals, Glowlights and Black Neons.

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