My tanks are 115 liters.
Temperature 29-30 C
PH 6.5-6.6
I bay RO and I mix water for tham. From tap which is 40 ppm, I tried to drop down on 30 and than 25.
Still same problems,noting good happen.
I have two pairs. First one is laying eggs on side glass,and on second day eggs are gone.
They are cleaning them and finally no eggs.
Oder pair is laying again on glass but on second day all eggs are white,they didn't clean or eat them. I tried to change male with Oder which was working and I have one Fry's from,and same thing on second day.
Bought pairs are trying to broke my hand when I put it inside to clean the tank ( sounds like they are keeping well the eggs)
In each aquarium I have sponge filter,heater and plastic cone.
Give my some ideas where I am wrong