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Thread: Introducing Pip

  1. #46
    Registered Member Pudmuppy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Introducing Pip

    Any sign of the puppies yet?

  2. #47
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Introducing Pip

    She had them Saturday. I was worried and excited beyond belief. Every day that went on she looked like there were more babies inside her. The day before she delivered I was afraid their might be 7 of them. I hoped not.

    I was right there with her when she started pushing. I was so beside myself that I called Barb in NC for emotional support. She's a cat person not a dog person and she had never helped deliver any baby animals, but she's a good friend. She calmed me down, we hung up and she proceeded to search the internet for info on how to deliver puppies.

    Pip started popping the first one out. It was breach so it was a hard one. I immediately called Barb back and called her. She said I could call her every 15 minutes if I wanted to and I did! One after another puppies came out every 10 to 15 minutes. Barb told me all the stuff she had read. I already knew it having worked beside a veterinarian most of my life. After 7 puppies were delivered I was exhausted and had to take a nap. When got up and checked her 20 minutes later she had popped an 8th baby out!

    Poor little Pippi. So young and having to care for 8 little babies...I was prepared to give them supplemental feeding with milk replacer if it was necessary but so far they're all doing well and growing well. Yesterday was the first day she was away from them long enough for me to change their blanket from a patterned one to a solid one so I could get pics.DSC_0154.jpgDSC_0152.jpgDSC_0151.jpg
    Mama Bear

  3. #48
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Introducing Pip

    I am sure glad you both survived the birthing process and such cute little ones. So glad to hear all are doing well, pups, Pip and Liz Wasn't expecting a white or tan pup in the mix!
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  4. #49
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Introducing Pip

    I think that the almost white one was sired by her other gentleman suitor. I know that he never tied with her but he got close enough to it to make her yelp and run away. Goes to show that a tie isn't really necessary. I've heard that. Now I know that it's actually true.
    Mama Bear

  5. #50
    SimplyDiscus Sponsor and MVP Nov.2015 Disgirl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Introducing Pip

    Liz and Pip, it was my honor to be part of the miracle of nature. It was a memory I will not forget. I just wish I could have one of the puppies. I would choose the brown one and take the long drive just to get him. But our 4 cats would not allow it. And Bill might trip over a puppy. Walking is already almost impossible for him. I didn't know 2 fathers could be part of this event, that is new info. for me. Thanks for letting me be part of it.

    Delightful Designs Discus Cones by Barb -- Check out my Sponsor section --HERE--!

  6. #51
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Introducing Pip

    I haven't taken pics of these puppies for a long time. I'll do it tomorrow if it's not raining. I'll be taking 5 of them to the humane society soon. I found a home for 1 and I'm keeping 2 myself. I love them all and it will break my heart. But the humane society will have them all neutered and charge money for them so it's their best hope of them finding a good home.

    All these babies were sired by Bruno except a black one with very short legs. I've named him Stubby. I will keep him as well as the medium size one. Her name is Pearl. She looks just like Bruno.

    Remember that little very blond, very small one? I thought that it would be a runt forever but it has outgrown most of them.

    Pippy has an appointment for a spay tomorrow. I loved raising those babies. If there were job that required raising puppies with love and worming, and vaccinating I would be the best choice for the job. There is no such job. Pippy has done a stellar job raising her little kids but it wouldn't be right to put her through this again. She is a lucky dog. She still loves her kids and teaches them all the things dogs should know in order to be happy dogs and she gets to raise Pearl and Stubby to maturity.
    Mama Bear

  7. #52
    Registered Member + MVP danotaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Introducing Pip

    Nice one Liz. Give Pip, Bruno & fam a squeeze and a tickle from there goth aussie uncle

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