I have had a female Blue Discus for about 2 years 6 plus inch. This fish has always been skidish but was doing good with it's buddy Red for about a year. 4 months ago Red died! They where a couple and bred before. During this time I added a 4 inch red male to help with it's stress and it worked! But 3 weeks ago I fxxxx up a water change and He died!

I need advice. I will buy a male mate once I can find a proven one. In the mean time I have a 80g tank with my 5 month fry in it. They are smaller 2 inches a few 3 inch. Total of about 30. Will the Big Blue 6 inch be okay? Or should I leave him alone for a bit.

I also have a 30g with 2. 5 inch ones in it. All female.

If anyone lives near Sacramento let me know if you have any proven males! I will buy or trade a females.