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Thread: Cannabidiol and THC

  1. #16
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cannabidiol and THC

    Quote Originally Posted by megatrev62 View Post
    I know a few potheads and they"can't" live without their weed. Just to add, if they feel they "need" it ,fine and dandy,nothing to me. But looking from the outside I seem to think that potheads don't see or chose to ignore the negative side effects of it with regards to their everyday interactions and "living" if you know what I mean. Sorry I know this is off topic. Again the CBD VS low THC may be exactly what I need.
    Yes,addiction to cannabis is similar to that of being addicted to coffee.Not too overwhelming,it passes in a day or so.So,it can be addicting just like any other drug.

  2. #17
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    Make Butter

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewmaster15 View Post
    "Its made him at times combative, other times its made him distant and self absorbed. I should say its not that these were drastic changes in him, he had these tendencies before, but its exacerbated them. Its also literally all's he thinks about."

    This behavior is very common for addictions though some say cannabis (marijuana) isn't addictive. It's definitely not as addicting as other drugs that share the illegal drug spot light like cocaine and heroine, but it does have an addictive quality and I know this first hand with my brothers and myself personally. You can also argue that it may not be as addicting as legal things like caffeine, sugar (including alcohol) and fatty foods. There were definitely days where I felt I had to have it, or I found myself doing many times throughout the day or finding an excuse to do it.

    When you say that your brother already had these behaviors but they were exacerbated while he has been a habitual user, that is definitely what I have seen as well. My younger brother has always been lazy, standoffish, wasn't very social and had a temper. I on the contrary, work a lot, am competitive, and quite social. We both smoked marijuana daily (multiple times a day), what we saw was he continued to be quiet and lazy (besides going to work to get a paycheck to live), but we saw his social behavior improve as he was less stressed and less ill-tempered. I continued to strive for perfection and was competitive as ever as I graduated school, got a new job, was promoted to a supervisor role quickly and lead my teams of employees to company highs in many categories. I eventually quit smoking to pursue a new job where smoking isn't allowed and it's tested for. I was able to quit smoking cold turkey and I inevitably landed the job of my dreams. My brother had a harder time quitting as he loved that he was able to be more social but he has also quit in full and is looking for non-illegal alternatives to keep stress down and his social life adequate.

  4. #19
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    If it's not legal where you live now,it soon will be.I have been using cannabis legally for medication for approximately 4 years now.Yes,I agree the high is addicting,no doubt about that.When I think back and the doctor that I had wouldn't have any issues with prescribing antidepressants, highly dangerous narcotics,nerve agents and even Cialis or Viagra that could kill you right away.I found myself looking for an alternative and the first time I smoked a joint and the throbbing pain was gone,I knew I wanted to try this one for pain.I did some research,watched videos that didn't have a product to sell and found that you cannot over dose on cannabis and seemed to be safer than ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatories.I just began to use CBD in the past month or so and I do find it beneficial and it does seem to tame down the highness of the THC.I stopped using for the last few days and I find that the stiffness and inflammation is coming back to my joints especially in my knuckles and ankles.The pills I make now have 45 percent ratio of THC and CBD.They seem much better than the ones with a higher THC dose.I would say I made the right choice for me and glad that I didn't take the doctors advice and went and looked for something that I could live with.I'd be in a total mess by now if I would have stayed on what they had for treatments. Right now I'm more interested in the CBD and what others may be experiencing with this compound.

  5. #20
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    Hemp was outlawed in the early 30's in USA by the govt. The land barons [timber] & the drug companies some how made this happen.Hemp is a fast growing & very strong tree cbd comes from it not thc. Hawsers that the US NAVY used before the ban in 30's were the strongest. Money talks & can make anything happen. Stop the PAIN!

  6. #21
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Growing hemp was recently legalized in of all places, Mississippi. I bet we'll be the last in the country to legalize pot, medical or otherwise.
    Mama Bear

  7. #22
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    I don't even take Tylenol and anti-inflammatory drugs anymore. I throw the anti depressants out the window too. CBD and THC really has helped me over the past two years. I can even move my deformed swollen thumb now which was due to arthritis. No more pain!!! If I feel anxiety coming on, I put some under my tongue and within a few minutes that is gone. So subtle you don't even know it. The throbbing pain is totally gone. So, I've done well on the stuff and eliminated the other more dangerous drugs with all their side effects.

  8. #23
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    Here we go....
    I have been certifying patients for medical marijuana for about 7 years and treated thousands. I have been a patient myself for 8 years for a severe diabetic neuropathy

    Marijuana is, for the most part, much safer than all other pharmaceuticals out there and it is rare that patients say its not helpful. I see some abuse in the 25 year old and younger - because they are so empty and depressed that they cannot help themselves. I have also gotten 100s of die hard opiate addicts off opiates and on low dose marijuana.

    I THINK THAT CBD IS THE BIGGEST RIP-OFF TO FACE THE CONSUMER IN THE PAST DECADE. EXCEPT FOR THE PLACEBO EFFECT, IT IS RARE THAT A PATIENT REPORTED ANY BENEFIT. Worse than wrinkle remove creams, brain function improvement/memory loss and male sexual enhancement herbals.

  9. #24
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    I tried CBD and it did nothing for me. Tried Kradom and at first I thought it was a miracle drug, but then it stopped working. After a while I tried it again and I had a mild seizure. It was no big deal except that I peed my britches while I was "out". After that I quit trying that OTC stuff.

    I still take my prescription meds, Tramadol and Gabapentin, but what has helped me the most is closing my dog grooming shop and doing the different types of physical labor that is necessary for anyone living in the sticks who can't hire work out. Just plain old work has taken me from almost needing a walker to make my way from the bed to the bathroom in the morning to chainsawing, digging, and hauling, etc. It hurt like hell when I first started, but I took it easy and worked up as my body allowed. Today I forgot to take my afternoon meds and I haven't even missed them.
    Mama Bear

  10. #25
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cannabidiol and THC

    Quote Originally Posted by captainandy View Post
    Here we go....
    I have been certifying patients for medical marijuana for about 7 years and treated thousands. I have been a patient myself for 8 years for a severe diabetic neuropathy

    Marijuana is, for the most part, much safer than all other pharmaceuticals out there and it is rare that patients say its not helpful. I see some abuse in the 25 year old and younger - because they are so empty and depressed that they cannot help themselves. I have also gotten 100s of die hard opiate addicts off opiates and on low dose marijuana.

    I THINK THAT CBD IS THE BIGGEST RIP-OFF TO FACE THE CONSUMER IN THE PAST DECADE. EXCEPT FOR THE PLACEBO EFFECT, IT IS RARE THAT A PATIENT REPORTED ANY BENEFIT. Worse than wrinkle remove creams, brain function improvement/memory loss and male sexual enhancement herbals.
    If CBD isn't effective in some people. Then why is there decreased seizures in children with Dravet syndrome. I was on that same stuff Liz was on. I'll take the placebo effect over those drugs any day.

  11. #26
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    one of my coworkers gave it to the family dog to aid in calming it during the 4th of July fireworks.

  12. #27
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    Why don’t you look at the study. It’s not that impressive. But these patients are desperate and if I was in their shoes I’d have my child take it. BTW, there is not a single other scientific study that shows cbd does anything

  13. #28
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Not sure what to believe on the web. But parents seem to notice a difference in their children. Some even move for the treatment. For me I now take it when I'm feeling a bit anxious or off and that feeling is gone within 15 minutes of taking about 50 mg of pure CBD isolate power under my tongue. I find the stuff you get from the legal market is way too expensive and I would need to drink the bottle and not just drops. It is weak from what I see. Plus I use the whole plant and the THC does stop throbbing pain, but I like to add CBD for the calming effect. For me they seem to work well together.
    Last edited by bluelagoon; 08-22-2020 at 09:30 AM.

  14. #29
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    Families moving for treatment with marijuana are predominately marketing ploys. And they are about THC and not CBD. Fortunately, I don’t think there’s evidence that CBD can kill you so go for it if you can afford to waste some money. BTW I wouldn’t take advice on health issues from YouTube or Twitter but that’s just me

  15. #30
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    There really haven't been studying cannabis for that long here in the Americas and the rest of the world due to it being prohibited to do so since prohibition. Israel has had the most success with these studies and many of the long term care facilities now give their residents cannabis, some of which are high in CBD. I've given it to people that had doctors order to people with Alzheimer's that cried out.Their families wanted to try this. After taking the drops the crying out decreased. There's not many real studies to go by. It's been illegal too long and studies weren't allowed. All stains of cannabis are not created equal, I get headaches and anxious off some sativa strains and feel sh|tty from them, seems like something is missing or more of something in some strains. My doctor said pretty much the same as you about cannabis in general, "not enough is known about it". That's when I went to a pain specialist and got the cannabis order from the doctor. I decided on taking the high doses of CBD on my own and so far so good for me. A lot of drugs may work differently for some. That's why doctors may say "lets try this one".

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