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Thread: Sick hero fish

  1. #1
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    Default Sick hero fish

    Hello. After having my new discus in quarantine for a few weeks, I added my hero discus in with them. After a few days, he is sitting at the bottom of the tank with clamped fins. He shows interest in food, but won’t eat. He is breathing hard and his gills are flared. His poop is normal. I do a 50% water change daily. The new discus are doing great. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    Hello again. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding my hero discus? Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  3. #3
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    It looks like it's doing its job. It seems to have picked up a bug of some kind. Can you tell us more?

    What size is the tank? How many in the tank? Can you post a photo? Where did you get your old and new discus?

    My first instinct would be to increase water changes, add some salt at about 3-5 tbs per 10 gallons and keep the temp around 82.

    Let us know if you see additional symptoms in the next few days... additional meds may be necessary...


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    It’s a twenty gallon with three discus about four inches (small tank, I know). The hero is from Hans, the new discus are from Uncle Sams. I would have to figure out how to post a photo, i’m terrible with that stuff. I will try using salt, i’ve never used it before. I will increase water changes - do I add back the salt with each water change? The temp is at 84, i’ll turn it down to 82. I just hope it gets better - I was afraid of this happening. Thanks, Jeep.

  5. #5
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    Very nice job of practicing this QT procedure! It shows you've done your homework!! Unfortunately, this is the perfect storm. A small tank, few discus and stressful situation. Plus, I think I remember even Stendker recommending not to mix their fish with Asian fish, although I have in the past and had good results.

    Hopefully it's a mild bug that will pass once they develop an immunity. In the mean time, make sure you don't accidentally cross contaminate your existing Stendker tank. Make sure you wash your hands good when maintaining your tanks and don't use the same tools for maintenance. The level of salt I recommended is not too strong and I would add it back with each water change for a week or so or until you see improvement.

    Monitor things closely, and if you see things turn worse, let us know. A medication may be necessary if things don't get better soon.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    Ugh - it’s funny how we find these things to be so stressful. It goes to the top of the tank at feeding time and is so interested in eating - but just won’t. Otherwise, he just hangs at the bottom. Luckily, the other two don’t bother it. Is there a med you think I should have on hand in the event he doesn’t improve? Thanks again!

  7. #7
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    I consulted with Al and he agrees with this approach.

    Like I said, keep a close eye on the hero. If you see changes in skin like losing slime or white patches, you will probably want to run a course of Furan 2. You can get this in most fish stores.

    I think it will pass though. Just remember everything you do and how long it takes.

    Cross contamination must be avoided until everything is good. I would consider this a brand new QT period!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    OK, I will follow your directions. I’m glad you think this will pass. Thanks for your help. Have a good day!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    I just wanted to say that my hero fish is fine - although I did resort to using the Furan2. Pretty amazing - thought I was going to lose him, to swimming around the next day. My new discus are still doing great. I’m starting the quarantine time over like Jeep suggested (thanks Jeep. I have a question though - I hope it’s not dumb. I added my hero after a few weeks. If I would have waited six weeks and then added him, the outcome would’ve been the same - correct? Since my new guys aren’t sick, but just harbor pathogens from a different source then my Stendkers in my established tank. I’m just trying to learn if I should’ve waited longer. Thank you!

  10. #10
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    This is good news!!

    I really don't think waiting another 2 weeks would have made a difference. The 6 week QT period is basically to see if the new additions crash. Be aware though, although the Furan 2 may have settled things down, your new ones and the hero are now probably still harboring the pathogens. If you want all your fish together in the same tanks, be prepared for the same results.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    I know - i’m dreading mixing everyone together. I think the salt brought him some instant relief and the Furan2 certainly helped, so it gives me some relief and hope that that my existing guys will respond the same way. Fingers crossed! This is to worrisome, I won’t try mixing sources again.

  12. #12
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    Even buying from the same source repeatedly can be a concern. Hans and Kenny will both tell you never bypass QT, even if you only buy from them.

    You should be fine with different sources as long as they are reputable and you QT

  13. #13
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    Don Speers

    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    I am curious, did you treat the quarantined fish prophylactically, and if so what did you opt to use?
    Jeep, how closely do you follow the above advice from Hans and Kenny. Some folks have indicated that they do not when purchasing from these specific vendors.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    Do not quarantine that is....
    Given that I am planning on 2 tanks, you can see why this might be a timesaver, but only if safe.
    Thanks, Don

  15. #15
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sick hero fish

    Quote Originally Posted by dspeers View Post
    I am curious, did you treat the quarantined fish prophylactically, and if so what did you opt to use?
    Jeep, how closely do you follow the above advice from Hans and Kenny. Some folks have indicated that they do not when purchasing from these specific vendors.
    There are many people who swear not to mix discus from suppliers, most just use a blanket term and just say not to mix Asians with Germans. There are just as many who don't think it's an issue as long as you are cautious. I've always followed Al's QT procedure and never had the slightest problem with cross contamination. Al's process gives you time to observe, decide and treat if necessary, even though Al may not mix either, I'm not sure... I do not recommend mixing until the person has some experience and is confident with treating potential issues.

    If I didn't mix sources I would never have the discus I wanted...

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