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Thread: PLEASE HELP with my discus fish

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Real Name
    Ivana Simoniti

    Angry PLEASE HELP with my discus fish


    My as***** ex boyfriend and I broke up and he left his discus fish at my place...I have no idea how to take care of these fish but I feel so bad for them and I wanna do my best so they feel good.

    So one of them never grew, he ended up staying small ...the rest all grew and look healthy....but this one really seems in trouble now more than ever. His fins are all damaged, hes turning black and hasn't been eating for about three weeks and looks really thin and sick I have no idea what to do and how to help, can someone please help me??? I really dont want him to suffer and Ill do whatever I can to help him.

    If you can help please contact me on

    Ill really appreciate it,


  2. #2
    Homesteader Filip's Avatar
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    Default Re: PLEASE HELP with my discus fish

    HI Ivana and welcome to the forum .
    In order to give you more accurate advice we need to know more informations about your aquarium , your fish ,your aquarium's technical backup , your maintenance routines, photos , Video etc.etc.
    Please fill out this Questionaire providing as more info as you can to give as a chance to help .

    Beside your current discus issue I would like to address that discus are the most demanding freshwater fish in terms of care and maintenance and if you are not prepared or willing to put the constant work of Waterchanging and cleaning , maybe you should consider selling them and buy some hardier and undemanding species (Angel fish for exaple) .
    You really have to love this fish to be willing to put the extra work required and they were not your choice at the first place , hence why my suggestion to reconsider your plans to keep them .

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