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Thread: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

  1. #1
    Registered Member BrendanJ23's Avatar
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    Default Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Hi Everyone, Hello from Brisbane. I have been keeping aquariums and various aquatic animals/reptiles (turtles etc) for about 10 years. I have also kept many styles of planted tanks, most low tech. I have recently seriously considered discus again, but have never kept them at all. I currently have a 6x2x2 lightly planted tank with thin black sand/gravel. I run dual Fluval FX6's, heater, internal filter with purigen loaded in it. - currently stocked with about 10 rummynose, a few neons, Danios and cherry shrimp.
    I have been doing a lot of research both on this site, and also on youtube, as well as approaching reputable pet shops/aquariums for their experience and advice. I am wondering if someone might be able to link a thread or even a direct reply on here, regarding the planted tanks. I understand that this is strongly discouraged for beginners against keeping planted discus tanks, and also that the black sand may cause the discus to "pepper". I am curious as to why ? I understand that is gives detritus and/or decaying leaves more places to hide, is this the only reason? I also read that it is doable with adult discus, but not recommended for juveniles. In the ideal world, I would like to maintain the tank as it is, if practical, and stock with approx 6-8 discus. A water change of 50% weekly should be ok? I hope all this is ok to post in this section. Thanks for your time and hope to discuss this further,


  2. #2
    Registered Member cooper666's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Hi, I'm from Cairns. I'm also new here and I'm slowly setting up my 6x2x2

    From what I understand, If you want discus to grow you will need to keep the water quality exceptional. If you do not need the fish to grow (adults), the water quality can slide a little.

    It's not just detritus that lives in the sand bed, there is a whole universe of protozoans, fungi and bacteria in there. Some of which may be detrimental to discus, particularly if they're small.

  3. #3
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Hi Brendan and welcome to the forum. I think your plan with adult discus in a lightly planted tank could work BUT I think you need to practice vacuuming the substrate before discus to see if you can it clean without hurting the plants. Please note that I do not have a planted tank. You might want to figure out how to do your 50% water changes also unless you already do this.

    Another consideration is a QT. You will want to use this when first getting your discus to ensure they come in well and healthy for a period of time before adding to the 180. The QT will also serve as a QT in case a discus gets sick.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  4. #4
    Registered Member BrendanJ23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Thanks for the prompt replies and the patience. I am sure this gets asked all the time and appreciate the guidance. Water changes are easy with a hose in/hose out the window method. Tap water runs through a 2 stage filter(to remove chlorine etc) before entering the tank, also followed up by prime on entry to the tank for good measure. I am curious as to what size QT you would recommend? If I follow the recommended initial purchase of 5-6 adults, I imagine I’ll need nothing less than 250L? (Which I think is about 65 gallons?)

  5. #5
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Quote Originally Posted by BrendanJ23 View Post
    Thanks for the prompt replies and the patience. I am sure this gets asked all the time and appreciate the guidance. Water changes are easy with a hose in/hose out the window method. Tap water runs through a 2 stage filter(to remove chlorine etc) before entering the tank, also followed up by prime on entry to the tank for good measure. I am curious as to what size QT you would recommend? If I follow the recommended initial purchase of 5-6 adults, I imagine I’ll need nothing less than 250L? (Which I think is about 65 gallons?)
    I was thinking a 75 gallon would do nicely as a QT.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  6. #6
    Registered Member BrendanJ23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Just an update for anyone that may be interested. I have decided to go BB, with plants in pots, it’s really not worth risking thousands of dollars worth of discus just for sand. I’ve purchased and tested my aging tank (300 litres) which will give me approx 50% WC. This can be done every other day, or as needed. I am also planning to do daily water changes for the first 4-5 days to allow the BB to catch up for the increased bioload. I will also be having low light/no light to try to reduce any transport stress etc. I have about a 1.5 hour drive back from the supplier. If anyone see’s anything wrong with my plan, please let me know, I plan to collect the discus this Saturday 17th August. Thanks again for reading and advice.

  7. #7
    Registered Member two utes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Welcome to Simply Discus Brendan.

    There's nothing wrong with having a light layer of white washed sand, same as whats used in pool filter in your tank. I have done this with no ill effect raising juvenile discus to good sized adults. Instead of potted plants i opted for driftwood with plants attached just to decorate since my tank is in our living area. lf you are starting with juvenile fish, i recommend regular feedings of frozen beef heart and Australian Freeze dried Black Worms, and as many water changes as you can handle. Living in Melbourne, i was able to use water straight out of the tap, with a little prime added. I only did 30% water changes each day as not to alter the water temperature by more than two degrees. May i ask what discus you have purchased and where from?

    All the best with your new venture
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  8. #8
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    I think that you're doing the right thing going with BB. You can make a very attractive tank with some nice drift wood with java fern glued to it and a pot with something like a rosetta sword. Keep us up-to-date and post pics as you progress.
    Mama Bear

  9. #9
    Registered Member BrendanJ23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    I’m trying potted plants in glass pots, just for a slightly better look. When I figure out how to post pictures I will upload them. I haven’t purchased any yet, but all going to be large adults from Living Reef Aquariums on the Gold Coast. They have a really good reputation up here, I also viewed the stock a couple weeks ago and was shocked by the quality!
    Looking to buy red melon, red map, heckel, Penang eruption at this stage.

  10. #10
    Homesteader Kingdom Come Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    I don't have anything to add but thanks to all who are helping here with stellar advice!

  11. #11
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    You know a lot, Kraig. It's a shame that you don't help us more pointing people to the way they might succeed.
    Mama Bear

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    I grew up and kept discus in Brisbane! The water there is great for keeping discus. If you do decide to go with sand finding the right size is important. Not too small that it gets sucked up when you are cleaning with a siphon house and not too large that the poop can work it's way down into the substrate.

  13. #13
    Registered Member BrendanJ23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Hi James,
    Yes we are blessed with great water here. I have tested the tap water for just about everything, and it really only had chlorine in it, which prime takes care of. I’m sticking with BB for now. When I get more experienced I may go back to thin sand, but let’s do one thing at a time

  14. #14
    Registered Member cooper666's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello from Brisbane, AUS

    Mines running BB with rocks and driftwood. I managed to get the water flow moving just right and I haven't had to siphon the bottom yet. Oh yeah, I got a few bristle noses in there which help to push the crap in the right direction.

    Something to consider with BB is how you want the bottom to look. I always paint the underside of the aquarium so that you don't get reflections off the bottom. I cant stand that reflection look but Y'know opinions and stuff.

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