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Thread: The Ram update

  1. #1
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default The Ram update

    A lovely trip to the LPS store where I gave Twee a bunch of different plants that would help her with her shrimp tank as well as a dozen shrimp, and a dozen eggs, and she gifted me with with a 6 pack of expensive beer that I don't by for myself. I picked up the last two heaters I and the dip and pour I need to complete my Ran set-up.

    During the time I didn't have the supplies to artificially raise my good pair spawned again, cared for the eggs again, and ate the eggs just when they were about to start to wiggle, again. That was their last shot at it until I snag and raise a spawn without their help other than laying the eggs.

    I don't feel too guilty about doing this because it will be a new challenge for me. I've never done anything like this before and I need to know how to do it without fear. If I fail at first, I can count on the pair to present me with a new batch of eggs. Once I have success, I will let the pair go back to trying to get it right on their own.
    Mama Bear

  2. #2
    Registered Member coralbandit's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    If I did not artificially hatch I would have no rams ..
    All my pairs raising fry today are the product of me taking eggs like a bandit ironically enough ..
    I don't feel bad about it . I am trying to help them continue on longer then 2 years ..
    I have faith in your ability . I am just a glorified babysitter ...The fish still do the hard work .
    ^^ My fish room tour by Richsfishes ^^
    Got rams ?

  3. #3
    Registered Member sanjay21's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    I'm currently raising two batches of spawns(Rams) artificially. Would be happy to help with any questions Good luck raising them, it's definitely fun. These guys are much easier to raise artificially than the Discus.

  4. #4
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    Thanks Sanjay! Anyone with experience is warmly invited to these Ram threads. Just chime in when you know something that I don't know. Pat and I both are obsessed with breeding the darned things. Both of us have breeding stock we consider excellent so we want to make more of them.
    Mama Bear

  5. #5
    Registered Member sanjay21's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    So here is a quick summary -

    The rams spawned on a piece of clay. I moved it to a Marina breeding box(L) and I kept an airstone very close to the eggs(strong airflow) added couple drops of methylene blue. Although I'm using this particular breeder box I did not run it to circulate the water, I only dropped an airstone to it.

    I think it took around 36hrs for the to hatch, it can take longer depending on the temperature, hatchery is at. Mine was set at 83F, TDS-275,PH-7.6 and the water I used is from the parents tank. It was a big hatch almost all hatched 150+ fry. Its good to change water before they hatch around 30hrs mark check on the eggs and you will be able to tell if they are about to hatch.

    I waited until they free swim, before I started feeding BBS(san francisco brand), I found the trick here is feeding plenty that the fry almost run into them. I changed water as many times I could to keep it clean. TBH these guys are really hardy even with fewer water changes. I know people use microworms also I haven't tried it, but microworms die in water quickly as they are not aquatic.

    Once you get them to eat bbs, you are pretty much good you can move them to a smaller tank once they are strongly swimming and eating the bbs readily.

    Hope this helps

  6. #6
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    That's useful informaration. Thanks. I don't mind at all overfeeding them because I'm retired and can change their water to my heart's content. Also, I have some San Francisco BBS for them as they are smaller.

    I won't know if I fail of succeed on my first try. Everything involves a learning process. But the more information I have, the better.
    Mama Bear

  7. #7
    Registered Member Discluv's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    I had the male in with the batch for the first few days, but ended up taking him out because he made me nervous. Remember, he killed my dark ram female.
    I will not chance that again for awhile. This is my first raising of fry so I have a lot to learn .

    They hit 22 days now.
    I have about 60 fry. I would say about 25% are dark and the rest gold.

  8. #8
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    I sure would love some pics, Luv. You were successful before the rest of us. BTW. I think that I'd have removed that male, too. After you get this spawn it would be cool if you left daddy with the kids just to see. It could be that he's a great daddy!
    Last edited by LizStreithorst; 01-31-2020 at 04:25 PM.
    Mama Bear

  9. #9
    Registered Member Discluv's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    It is very hard to get pictures, but here is a video from last weekend:

  10. #10
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    Thanks, that was excellent. I see that you have lots of Java fern it the tank. I have that as well as dwarf water lettuce. What size tank do you have these little guys in?
    Mama Bear

  11. #11
    Registered Member Discluv's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    They are in a 10 gallon right now. Actually, a 5 gallon because I lower the water line so they can get to the food easier. Tom says its okay to leave them in here with daily water changes ( Im doing 50% daily) for 2 months. I feed them several small feedings daily-- 4-5 x daily with BBS and Golden pearls.

    Im wondering when I can sell of some of the golds ( a majority of them, actually). Maybe Tom will chime in here and let me know when old enough for me to sell at local aquarium society auction. I may keep all of the darks and put them in a 30 gallon-- depends on the quality of the fish.

  12. #12
    Registered Member coralbandit's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    It usually takes till 4 months before they look saleable to me ?
    I would separate the golds as you can .I separated the gold from dark I have in dip and pours and the darks ae keeping up with the golds growth wise ..
    The golds unfortunately hold little breeding value ..
    At 22 days you can start filling the tank up to the top .
    Have you got the golden pearls yet ?
    You are going to like them , eh or the fish will !
    Sanjay is correct in overfeeding and offering a cloud they can't swim through !
    Amy you seem to be doing great and clearly not overfeeding but offering enough ..
    That is a book I would read !
    ^^ My fish room tour by Richsfishes ^^
    Got rams ?

  13. #13
    Registered Member Discluv's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    Tom, I have got the golden pearls, a few days ago, and have been feeding them. I got the 300-500 micron and the 500-800 micron.

    Did you say that I should put the dark fry in dip and pours separate from the golds and grow them out in these?

  14. #14
    Registered Member coralbandit's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    Those are big golden pearls ..They may not do you any good with the fry for a couple more weeks ? I am not sure if you can grind or crumble them ?
    I feed the 5-800 to my adult fish ..I start my ram fry at 100 -200 micron ..
    No don't put them in dip and pours but separate them when you can .
    It will give the darks a better chance .
    ^^ My fish room tour by Richsfishes ^^
    Got rams ?

  15. #15
    Registered Member Discluv's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Ram update

    Oh, okay. Well, Ill need to order more. I still have the Fry growth food.

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