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Thread: Quick Introduction

  1. #1
    Registered Member Adam G's Avatar
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    Default Quick Introduction

    Hello Simply Discus members. My name is Adam and I live near Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have been a saltwater reef keeper for 20 plus years and have decided to set up a discus tank. I tried Discus many years ago as a child in the 80’s. I remember mowing lawns to get money for black worms. As you can imagine the 4” wilds that I purchase made it about 6 months. I didn’t even know what I didn’t know back then. I told myself when I lost those fish that someday I would do it again and be successful.

    Got into saltwater after that and now I have a 300g reef tank and have been very successful with propagating SPS corals I produce and sell about 50 frags a month and love that part of the hobby. I also have 2 high tech freshwater planted tanks and enjoy breeding shrimp.

    Even with quite a bit of experience I am still extremely nervous to start my foray into Discus keeping. I have read hours and hours on this forum and have learned a ton. Here is where I am thus far.

    -75g bare bottom, cycled fully, some rock and wood hardscape. Will add sand substrate eventually.
    -Order placed with Dennis’s Discus, receiving next week. 6 fish, all about 5”.
    -2 Oase 650 thermo canister filters for filtration.
    -temp 84.3 degrees, ph7.6, kh 4, gh 5. Remineralizing RO water.

    I even went so far as to purchase meds based on the recommendations if you guys here. I am ready to treat the common ailment with epsom salt, metro, and anti-biopics. Hope I don’t need them but have them if I do.

    So here I go. Water change barrel and storage tank full of RO At the ready so I can be a water changing maniac. I hope I can do this! Thanks for all the advice you give on here. I learned a ton.

  2. #2
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Introduction

    Hi Adam and sounds like you are off to a good start. One question for you, why using RO water? Many here use tap water.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    You will be successful this time. You have done it right. I have always used tap water. Lived during my discus years in two different water supply systems. One city Seattle water and one community country well system. Tap water changed 100% weekly, spread over 7 days, with Prime added. Which 6 fish did you choose?

  4. #4
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Introduction

    Welcome! Sounds like you'll do just fine this time. All the info you need is here and we're always happy to answer questions. As far as questions go, I have the same one as Pat. Why RO. It's not necessary unless your water is rock hard or otherwise suspect, or for breeding.
    Mama Bear

  5. #5
    Registered Member Adam G's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Introduction

    Thank you for the encouragement.

    Why RO/DI Water: I live on acreage and have well water. I have to soften it or I am sitting at 500 plus TDS. Out of the tap, after the water softer, I get a TDS of 365, KH 16, GH 4. PH straight out of the tap is 7.2 and raises to 8 after being oxygenated. I also have a fully automated RO station with pumps and water hoses all set up for saltwater to it is actually easier for me to use the RO having everything all set up already. Plus, I like the fact that there is no issue with Chlornes or heavy metal of any kind. 1-2ppm TDS after the RO system and then I can remineralize from there.

    What Fish Am I Getting: Tried to convert the video Dennis sent me and upload it to my YouTube account but was unsuccessful. I think I can convert it to another format on my computer and then upload and paste a link here. I will have to work on that when time allows. Once the fish are here in a week I can get you all some pics/video. Here is a list:

    2- Carnation Turquoise 5".
    1-Goldon Pigeon 4.5"
    1-Royal Yellow 5"
    1-Royal Red 4.5"
    1-Red Panda 4.5"

    Dennis has been awesome. We switched out 2 Snakeskins for the Carnation Turquoise because the Snakeskins were barely 4" and they were dwarfed big Royal Yellow. He has had this shipment for close to month and he must be feeding them well because they all look about the same size.

  6. #6
    Registered Member Adam G's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Introduction

    Here is a pic as it sits. You can see from some of the debris on the bottom I had subtrate in there and after reading through all kinds of info on here I decided to remove it to start and will add sand later. Rocks are misplace because I am wieghting down the wood as it is not water logged now and wants to float. Plants are plastic and can be removed when doing water changed and lightly bleached and rinsed to remove harmful bacteria. May just get rid of the plastic plants but wanted something to break up the space and provide cover for them when getting used to their new home.

    Question: What are your thoughts/opinions on the Manzanita wood. Are the Discus going to injure themselves on the sharp branches? Was contemplating cutting off the sharp branches. Not sure how agile they are or if when sparring they may inusre themselves.

    Discus Tank.jpg
    Last edited by Adam G; 03-04-2020 at 05:38 PM.

  7. #7
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Introduction

    Looks nice, Adam. I'm in South Minneapolis, so feel free to stop by my fish room if you're in the cities. Some of my fish will be at the upcoming MAS Aquarium Expo on March 21. Come by and hang with ~1,000 other fish geeks for a day.

    At my age, everything is irritating.

  8. #8
    Registered Member Adam G's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Introduction

    Quote Originally Posted by Willie View Post
    Looks nice, Adam. I'm in South Minneapolis, so feel free to stop by my fish room if you're in the cities. Some of my fish will be at the upcoming MAS Aquarium Expo on March 21. Come by and hang with ~1,000 other fish geeks for a day.

    I have heard of you. Joe Thiesen At Joes Shrimp Shack said you are the local guy to talk to about Discus when I was up at his shop getting the hard scape for this tank. I would love to see your fishroom sometime. I will PM you.

  9. #9
    Registered Member ConCaDia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Introduction

    Welcome to the forums. Most certainly the "go to" place for info and discussion re. all things Discus!

  10. #10
    Registered Member Adam G's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Introduction

    Update: Fish arrived safe and sound beginning of March so I am about a month in. Dennis did a great job packing them and even though it was freezing outside the fish were nice and warm. All fish were acclimated and I left them alone for 24hrs in a dimly lit tank with just ambient room light. Took a couple of days to get them to eat. Turns out I have 2 pairs in the mix. The big Royal Yellow and the Royal Red are a pair and have laid eggs twice already.

    Had a few issues when the 2 Carnation Turquoise paired up. The female, who really wants to lay eggs, decided that the poor Red Pigeon was a threat and relentlessly beat her almost to death. I had to pull the Red Pigeon and after 2 weeks of quarantine in a 29g I ended up deciding to euthanize her. Never ate anything and was withering away.

    So now I have 5 Discus. The Almost 6” Royal Yellow Male and the 5” Royal Red female lay eggs regularly. The male follows behind her and eats the eggs as fast as she can lay them. The pair of Carnations have not laid eggs that I have seen but she is cleaning off areas to lay eggs and she has her breeding tube out. The male stays very close and I think I will see some eggs sometime soon.

    That is all great but with all of this chaos of male and females protecting territory and being aggressive the female Carnation developed Hex about 2 weeks in. I dosed metro for 10 days and everything seems good now. However, she still tends to hide a lot and stay dark when she is hiding. However, come feeding time she lightens right up and is out eating from my hand with the rest of them. Part of it seems to be her new found need to lay eggs. She seems a little confused and wanders over to the area where the other female lays eggs which causes her to get harrassed by the pair. I am keeping an eye on things for now. Another round of Metro may be needed but want to give her some time.

    I have been staying with 80% water changes daily. It is quick and easy to do. I may dial it back down the road but I have time on my hands with the current pandemic situation so I figure why not.

    All in all so far so good. Will post some pics on my next update.

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