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Thread: My veggie garden

  1. #1
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Moselle, MS

    Default My veggie garden

    It's just 2 4 X 8 raised beds but this is the first year I've grown my own veggies for way to many years. My soil in the perfect spot, close to the house and water right there turned out to be clay gravel. I knew that it would kill me to make that dirt right but I was determined. It has taken almost a year to dig in enough organic matter to make it close to acceptable for planting.

    Tomorrow I'm coming out of isolation for a bit. I'll be heading to my favorite necessary business, the feed store. Rather than go through the back pain involved in pulling the metal fence posts I pounded in about 20 years ago to fence my goats, I'm going to buy new metal posts. I only need 5 or 6 to fence my veggie garden. I've already got the 4 x 4 corner posts in, and I have plenty of fencing.

    I had veggie seedlings starting in Jiffy pots. A huge wind came in during the night and blew them all into the grass. I'm will take the easy way out and buy live plants instead. I'm a little disappointed because I bought seeds proven to do well down south. But the feed store plants will do. I'll put my fancy seeds in the freezer and use them next year.
    Mama Bear

  2. #2
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    Default Re: My veggie garden

    Starting off my veggies inside this week as well. Unfortunately all I can grow are tomatoes and cucumbers and zucchini. My home backs up to a huge watershed preserve and the critters steal and destroy everything from strawberries to corn. This is certainly my favorite time of the year however it also means the beginning of weeding which I absolutely do not like.
    Nothing like a good home-grown tomato

  3. #3
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: My veggie garden

    I think I bought 3 varieties of tomatoes. Roma, Celebrity, and 2 heirlooms I can't remember the name of ATM. For peppers I have Jalapeno, Poblano, Bell, and another that I can't think of. I have southern pea seeds that I'll start directly in the dirt, and 3 zuchinni that were the only seedlings that survived the big wind the other night.

    In the other garden I will move the thyme, mint, and rosemary from containers where they are now. I have 3 nice pot plants I started from seed from a seed bank in the Netherlands. The only herb I bought because I didn't have it was Basil.

    I bought all my supplies and hauled them to the garden. I dug one bed and am giving my back a little break before I head out and smooth the soil with a rake. I thought I had fire ant killer but I was wrong, so the second garden with the fire ant mound can wait. I'll wait until after tomorrow's rain before I pound in my fence posts and start fencing. I hate not being able to accomplish more in a day, but that's what I get for living longer than my was good for.
    Mama Bear

  4. #4
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: My veggie garden

    Do yourself a favor and pick up some Purple Cherokee's or Black Krim's. The best tomato's I've ever tasted!! Also, they make a cherry type called Black Cherry that is great for salads!!

  5. #5
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: My veggie garden

    I didn't see it in any of the 3 places I went.
    Mama Bear

  6. #6
    Registered Member
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    Feb 2004

    Default Re: My veggie garden

    Cannot lose with Celebrities. Great producers of sandwich tomatoes. My go to tomato for neighbors and friends

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