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Thread: Gyre Cross Flow Wavemaker and Discus, need some advice, Thanks

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Gyre Cross Flow Wavemaker and Discus, need some advice, Thanks

    Ok, I've been keeping all kinds of fish for 30 plus years. I'm finally setting up my DREAM TANK. It's a 220 gal with dual overflows, about a 35 gal acrylic sump underneath, wet/dry drip tray over sheets of foam, for mechanical and some bio, about 8 lbs of Bio Home Ultimate fully submerged under the foam, then heaters and finally to the Jebao 12,000 return pump. Plus an FX6 with intake and return in the same overflow. Yes, over filtration, just the way I like it, lol!!! FX6 has factory outer foam, center chambers filled with fine sponges and at least 5lbs more of Bio Home Ultimate that is well seasoned from other tanks.

    I paid Universal Rocks a fortune for a custom background made to fit around the overflows. I've always wanted a tank where all equipment is hidden and this was going to be it. The Aqeon overflows have intakes in the overflows down low, middle and upper areas of the tank. I'm running the return pump about 40% to 50%, which balances everything perfect. My problem is, I'm getting to much cap settling on top of the black sand substrate that should be going into the overflows. Let me also say, this is my first tank this large, first sump and I plan on keeping Discus which is also a first.

    The tank is a planted tank that currently has about 60 Cardinal Tetras, and 4 Roslin Sharks about 4 inches. I will have 6 to 8 Discus arriving later in the week. I only see a few choices, I gravel vac every couple days to get this stuff out, I can get a couple circulation pumps and direct the flow so the waste goes into the overflows, but this kills the no equipment visible, that I was wanting. Last choice is to use a Gyre Cross Flow pump. At least mount up at the top with no wires hanging down in the tank. They make a full circle of waterflow, even in a tank the size of mine. This would help keep the stuff suspended so the overflows can pick them up. My question is, will the Discus tolerate such water movement? I have seen some that say yes and others say the stress will kill them. What do y'all think? The pump is highly adjustable so I would think I can get it tuned where everyone's happy. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to provide you with as much info as possible. Thanks and God Bless.

  2. #2
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gyre Cross Flow Wavemaker and Discus, need some advice, Thanks

    Ok I don’t know this pump your thinking of. I do have a powerhead on the top of my tanks circulating water across the top. The discus do swim against the current. With a 225 it should be fine as long as there are slow areas. As to other things you’ve got going on I don’t think roseline sharks will survive at the temps discus live at. Your looking at 84-86 degrees. Next your black sand may effect the colors of your discus. Especially if you ordered pigeon bloods. They tend to pepper in a dark tank. Next planted tanks are harder than regular tanks or bare bottom tanks. They need to be cleaned much more. Just some info. My tanks are also planted and they do require work.

    What size discus did you order and from who did you buy?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Gyre Cross Flow Wavemaker and Discus, need some advice, Thanks

    Thanks for the replies. No worries about planted tanks, I have kept them for years and yes they do require more work but the results are worth it to me. From my research the peppering usually comes from a dark background, but I'm not concerned with the peppering, I don't think it makes them less good looking.
    Roseline Sharks do very well with Discus. I've talked with lots of folks that have them together and you see them in the same tanks all over YouTube. I won't be keeping them at 86 degrees in a planted tank. They will be kept at 83 degrees which the plants, Cardinals and Roseline can tolerate just fine. This is also recommended by Mr. Jack Wattley and my discus will be coming from his place down in Miami.
    A powerhead just shoots water in a narrow fixed direction. The Gyre wave makers can vary the flow by direction, strength and duration. They can be highly tuned for just the right flow. I believe I'm going to try one and I will report back with results. Thanks again for the replies.

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