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Thread: Hi, this is me...

  1. #1
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    Actually Abdiel is my real name, but my friends call me "Vilo"

    Default Hi, this is me...

    My name is Abdiel Villalobos, but all my friends call me Vilo!

    Initially was a little hesitant the first time i logged on to this form because, I mean... this place is "enormous" and a little intimidating!!!

    I felt overwhelmed and truthfully speaking, I really didn't know where to go or what to do here, there is just so much information that its just mind-blowing! and the idea of putting myself out-there for scrutiny by people that actually are experts at keeping Discus, was not very appealing as well. I have very little experience with Discus and sharing my journey with all its ups and downs is kind of embarrassing! But with a little encouragement from a new friend which is a member already, I am here giving this a second try (Thanks Liz!).

    Like I said before, my name is Vilo and Im a fish-o-holic!

    I live in Phoenix Arizona and I own a 240 gallon (semi-planted) aquarium which houses 13 Discus. But more on this a little later, let me start from the beginning...

    I started my aquatic journey when I was stationed in Germany, back in 1989 while serving in the U.S. Army, one day my daughter brought home a little goldfish in a bowl that she had won at a school fair, and of course "I" ended up taking care of it, and it all progressed from there.

    The first tank I owned was an African Cichlids 90 gallon tank, I think I had about 6 or 8 Peacocks of different colors, this tank peaked my interest for about 5 months and of course, I then "needed" to try the South American Cichlids, so I bought a little 40 gallon tank which housed Angels and other small dither fish which right now i can't remember what they were, but anyway, you can start to see the pattern forming here, at one point I even had a little saltwater cube with an anemone and its side kick "Nemo" because my daughters wanted one, and who am I to deprive my little angel of her wishes!!!

    So what had started with that little goldfish in a bowl ended up with a fish room with 12 tanks of various sizes and multiple species of fish! My "at-the-time" wife, was not very pleased with my new found enthusiasm for the hobby since it was rapidly taking over much precious square footage of our already small house, and if you ever served in the military, you know what military housing is like (tiny)!

    I had to take a brake from the hobby in 1990 due to a little business trip me and some of my college had down in the Southwest-Asia area of operation. Then unfortunately life got in the way (again) and the hobby had to be put on hold for a little while longer, but I always had it in the back of my mind that I wanted to set up another aquarium system. In actuality, my dream was (and still is) to retire and move to a non specific South or Central American Country and buy a House on the beach or a lake, then set up a big aquarium and collect the specimens that will be housed in the system myself. I'm still hopeful that I will be able to fulfill that dream someday.

    Moving on, It was around late spring 2018 and I started toying again with the idea of setting up an aquarium, we (my new wife and I) had recently purchased a new house, which opposite to my earlier days in the hobby, this place has ample space to set up a "decent size" tank! So, I did a little research to identifying all the LFS's in Phoenix area and found one that was pretty close to my house and decided to go and visit. Of course, the one close to my house was the last one I visited since did go visited "All" the other LFS's in the city to see what they had, the one close to my house just happens to be the biggest one and gave me the impression that they had a much bigger and better selection then the others (i guess size does matter!), and about an hour later I walked out with a 240 gallon tank, 3 FX-6 canister filters, a CO2 system, and 6 Fluval Planted 3.0 LED lights!

    Back then Discus were nowhere remotely within my scope, all I wanted was to set up a nice planted tank, something challenging like a Dutch-Style aquarium with a bunch of pretty plants and to have a few little fish in it.

    So, the tank was set up, the scape was completed, and all was going well, I just let it sit for a good while and waited for it to cycle and let the pants do their thing... a few months later after the cycle was completed and the plants had filled in a bit, I went back to the LFS to see what they had available. I purchased a group of 15 silver tip tetras. So my tank finally had a few fish in it, it was stunning! Life was good....

    It was late 2018 now and I had since joined the local aquarium club, the Southwest Aquatic Society, which was an invaluable source knowledge and support from other hobbyists, the tank had flourishing into a beautiful and spectacular planted display tank, and I had also introduced several other fish, but at some point they were taken out due to incompatibility with the tanks current live stock or my own lack of interest in the particular type of fish. An example would be a group of Angel fishes that I had introduced, at first all was going well, until two of them paired off and laid eggs and they turned into the killer fish from hell! They made life unbearable of all the other inhabitants of the tank and stressed me out at the same time, so they had to go, the angels were auctioned at one of the clubs events!

    Moving forward to January/February 2019 time frame, the tank was doing well, I had only a few Coridoras, a Bristtlenose Pleco (somewhere in there! cause I never saw it), and still the original 15 Silver Tip Tetras inhabiting the tank, but it felt like it was missing something... So I went out to my LFS to see what was what! As usual they had a very nice variety of fish to pick from but nothing that really caught my eye... and then I saw them! there was this tank with some Discus in it, they were small, couldn't have been more the 2.5 to 3 inches if that! It was a struggle, Im not going to lie, I had to go against everything I had ever heard about this fish, all the scary stories I had ever heard about how difficult they were , the strenuous water demands this fish required, how delicate they were, and still I took home 4 Melon Reds, 2 Blue Diamond, 4 Red Leopard Turquoise, 2 Red Turquoise and 2 Red Pidgeons.

    Fast forward to January 2021 and my Discus are all still with me (with the exception of one which I lost early on), all are healthy, strong, and most impressive of all, they went from little 2,5" to my biggest one measuring at 5 1/2 inches!

    Thats my journey with Discus in a nutshell.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    Welcome Vilo. Like I told you in our emails, we're a friendly, helpful group here.
    Mama Bear

  3. #3
    Registered Member + MVP danotaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    G'day Vilo, welcome

  4. #4
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Welcome Vilo!! We love pictures .

  5. #5
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    Hi Vilo and welcome to the forum. I am definitely glad Liz invited you to join us. Sounds like you are doing well with your discus. Pics would be great
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  6. #6
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    Welcome Vilo! You've come to the best and friendliest place in the world to learn about discus and to help others. Feel free to ask or post any of your discus questions. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here!!

  7. #7
    Gold Member FischAutoTechGarten's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    Cool Vilo!

    I'm south of Tucson Arizona, north of Nogales Sonora. We have an aquarium club in this area, Desert Aquarist Society ( Despite Covid, we've at least been able to hold monthly meetings on Zoom... and I know we are planning a parking lot plant/fish exchange in the coming weeks.

    Like you, I've left the hobby.. and then returned... And like you, really enjoy catching local species. I've lived in Guaymas and Alamos Sonora on/off for 15 years and have found some nice collecting spots in the Sierra Madre Occidental. Around Santa Cruz, Sonora in the Santa Cruz river you can find the Desert PupFish (endangered)... in San Bernardo, Sonora in a tributary of the Mayo River you can find Cichlasoma Beani and the Gila TopMinnow. Serveral times I caught the Beanis and Gilas as the tributary was drying up... kept them in an aquarium at home in Alamos... and then re-released them after the monsoons.

    Covid drove my wife and I to leave Alamos Sonora for good this year as I just needed to be stateside as Covid was affecting my earning prospects... So now, I might get over to Santa Cruz and see if I can get a few PupFish. There is a repatriation effort going on by the University of Arizona. Even in Green Valley Arizona, there is an effort to establish a population in an outdoor pond at Canoa Ranch (I'm hoping that they will permit me to try to tank breed a few... working on cultivating those relationships and the trust). I went looking for the Speckled Dace up in PineTop this summer but failed to find any...

    You still have good LFS in Phoenix! We just lost our best one after Christmas in Tucson. Welcome to Simply.
    Cuerpo en Green Valley, Arizona, USA y Corazón en Alamos, Sonora, Mexico

    learning never stops

  8. #8
    Registered Member
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    Actually Abdiel is my real name, but my friends call me "Vilo"

    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    Thanks Liz, appreciate the help!

    Now I have to reply to those who made comments and then figure out how to upload pictures! Not that its hard to upload then to the sit, its that I didn't know how to work my Mac!

  9. #9
    Registered Member
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    Actually Abdiel is my real name, but my friends call me "Vilo"

    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    Danotaylor, Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome!

  10. #10
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    I cant help you with that. I have a PC.
    Mama Bear

  11. #11
    Gold Member FischAutoTechGarten's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    Quote Originally Posted by abdiel.villalobos View Post
    Thanks Liz, appreciate the help!

    Now I have to reply to those who made comments and then figure out how to upload pictures! Not that its hard to upload then to the sit, its that I didn't know how to work my Mac!
    Well, as long as you know where you have your pictures on your Mac... it's easy...

    Start with QUick Reply window at the bottom of the posts from the members. and click on that Photo Icon (looks like a tree)

    1 PostQuickPushPhoto.png

    now just follow these steps:
    You want to search on your computer... not the internet.. so make sure you click Computer and not URL

    2 FindFromComputerChooseFile.png

    Go find it whereever you have your pictures.

    3 FileSelected.jpg

    4 UploadFile.png

    now you can see that the photo is attached with the [attached] tag there in the quick reply window... you can keep typing or you can attach more.. or you can just hit the Post Quick Reply button.

    5 FileAttachedPostTheReplay.png

    that should do it...
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by FischAutoTechGarten; 01-07-2021 at 08:21 PM.
    Cuerpo en Green Valley, Arizona, USA y Corazón en Alamos, Sonora, Mexico

    learning never stops

  12. #12
    Registered Member
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    Actually Abdiel is my real name, but my friends call me "Vilo"

    Default Re: Hi, this is me...

    Good morning All,

    I would appreciate if someone would give me advice as to what to do to bring this Discus back to health.

    Let me explain..

    I own a 240 gallon tank that has been home for 11 Discus for the past year and a half. Recently I committed the cardinal sin of adding a pair of wild caught Discus to this already establish and pristine tank!

    Now, I know I made a big mistake by adding these two fish with my Discus colony without quarantine them, I was going with the premises that since I know the LFS where I purchased them, and I have been keeping an eye on them for the past 3 months and they seemed to be fine, that I concluded quarantine was not necessary, "Big Mistake"[/U].

    So, I purchased the 2 wild caught Discus on Friday afternoon, they looked fine. On Sunday Morning I noticed one of them had develop a small white growth on the left side of its head, this was concerning but I decided to monitor it to see if it goes away or if I should reach out for help. That same day, late afternoon I went to check on the fish and noticed that the little white growth had spread into 2 slightly bigger growths, so in my very natural reaction to stress I "freaked out" and started calling everyone I knew in my fish Club asking for advice, that's how landed here, one of the members who knew a member of Simply Discus put us in contact and I was referred to the website and now Im here pleading my case to you all!

    Back to my problem...

    The diagnosis I got then for my Discus white spot was that it was Discus Pimples. I was told this was nothing serious and with time and correction to the water quality would fix the problem. That there was no need to QT since all the other fish had been exposed and if this was something serious it was pretty sure that all the fish we exposed to it by now. So I put the affected Discus back in the tank. Oh, I forgot to mention that In my panic attack on Sunday evening receiving, overloaded with input from different sources, that I took the discus out of the tank and placed it in a QT and began treating with "All Cure", a product I got from Aquarium Coop, for the possibility of this being Hole-in-the-head.

    Now, I have been doing water changes everyday since this episode started, but the infected area on this Discus head seems to be growing larger!

    If someone here could please provide advice as to what this is and how to treat it I would very much appreciate it!

    Sorry about the upside-down picture, I tried to fix it but my computer experience is very limited.

    Very Respectfully,


    Last edited by abdiel.villalobos; 01-08-2021 at 01:17 PM.

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