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Thread: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

  1. #31
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    I don't think your post will offend anyone. Thanks for sharing!

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    This is devastating news. Kenny treated me like I was his only customer. Always had time to talk, helped me with any issues. Picked and packed the perfect discus for me. When I got back into the hobby little over two years ago, I couldn't stop myself from buying some discus from him each month. Waited anxiously for his monthly listing. Kenny never disappoints. Kenny, you are a great friend. Enjoyed talking discus with you. I will pray for you and your family. God bless you!!

  3. #33
    Registered Member Darren's Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    Thinking of you and you're family Kenny my friend.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    Non-fair!!! Why sad thing like to hit nice guy!!

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    I am genuinely heart broken. He sold me my first discus right out of college almost 15 years ago. I hadn't bought a thing for almost ten years until October last year and he treated me like I was the only customer he ever had. I have never experienced anything like him as a business person, I can only imagine knowing him closely in real life.

    Praying for him and his family, and absolutely respecting his wishes and hope everyone else does.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    i am so bummed... Kenny was so helpful when we ordered our first set of Discus...Darn it makes me sad

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    That is indeed terrible news, enjoyed dealing with him, always nice.

  8. #38
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    I saw Jenene's stories about Kenny... really good stuff. Saw short ones by others... one about how Kenny made them feel like they were his first and only customer. 100% agree! I felt the same way.

    Anyone else care to share any good stories about Kenny? Long threads are threads I usually skip some postings and skim through too fast but this is the first one where I have read every single post. I don't do much technology and this is the only website/forum that I've been a part of ( I don't even have Facebook) --- I didn't realize how folks that I have encountered here really do make this site what it is and I never thought overtime that I would become emotionally attached to a lot of you who have helped me out. I didn't realize it until now with this terrible news. I never met Kenny and person but talk to him over the phone multiple times. He instantly made me feel like everything was going to be okay. Especially when making my first discus order ever that required shipping and I remember at the time being shocked by the price but he made me realize it was the smart option pretty darn fast and reassured me that not just the discus from him, BUT discus from any of the sponsors on here were better/safer/mute-point on price in the long run than buying them elsewhere. Then we would get off The discus topic and enjoy talking even though I knew he was busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.

    I know this is my second post on this thread and I will stop but I would really love to hear anyone else's stories with him if you care to share.

    Kenny, by saying you will be missed is a drastic understatement ...God blessed us all when he created you brother.
    Last edited by pastry; 02-13-2021 at 11:20 AM.

  9. #39
    Registered Member 14Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    I spent many hours w Kenny on the phone over the years, but this one (really two calls) was one of both usefulness to me as well as one of dedication, patience, concern, and friendliness on his part.

    Long after getting fish from him, two fish developed ragged/split outer edges of several fins. If left unfixed, this would lead to split fins going all the way to the body....after which it would be too late to remedy and would become permanent. Kenny calmly (with his always gentle friendly voice) walked me through what to do......getting a clean baking pan, a soft towel, and warm water. I was to lay the towel on the pan, add warm water in til there was 1/4” or so of water making the towel a bed of sorts in shallow water. Then I had to net a fish, keep the fish in the net and proceed to carefully lift the damaged fin slightly above the body and cut off the frayed/split edge of the fin in a straight line with sharp scissors. This took only a couple of minutes per fish to do and when I returned it, it was just fine. He assured me this would not hurt the fish and a new section of fin would grow back in short order.......and, sure enough, that was the case. The fins in question are perfect to this day. Immediately after I completed the task, Kenny requested I again call him to report how it went or if I had more questions. He even remembered months later that I had done this and asked how the fish were doing. This took time/expertise on his part and was not a part of a sale......he was simply caring to help a discus nut like me best care for fish. I could also cite other examples of how he helped me with things, but this one stands out and what I learned from him will last well as my admiration of such an altruistic man.
    I hope something like this is what you intended Elliot. I, too, would love to read of all the experiences of others with Kenny. Lastly, Elliot......both your posts are awesome......don’t feel as though you should limit yourself to only two. Kenny has wonderfully added greatly to the hobby and thus, posts should be encouraged. By doing so, we’re celebrating our appreciation of all the many positive ways Kenny has impacted our lives.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    I still can't get myself to accept this news of what Kenny is going through. Absolutely heartbroken to imagine what he's going through right now- he's quite young and had it all- a wife and a niece, and has to leave them. Hope he can relax well and spend every moment enjoying his life. As for my personal experience with him, I was one of the lucky few who got to meet Kenny in person. Since I lived near him, I was able to drop by his place to pick up some fish. The first time I visited was during a cold and rainy december day. I remember taking the exit off SF and parking in front of his house. I didn't expect much looking at the barred windows in his neighborhood. But when I walked up to his front door, I was greeted by Kenny's wholehearted voice. He welcomed me into his fishroom, which was a converted garage in his house. I was in awe of how he was able to maintain such a operation in such a place- remember these are typical SF three story homes on the hills that you always see in the pictures. While I was in the fishroom, I could just remember Kenny running up and down the stairs, filling out orders for his customers in his second floor office. His cell phone would also sound seemingly every minute and he would be chatting with customers. During the 30 mins or so I was in his place, he was never standing still. He always was moving about, packing some fish into bags for his customers or calling and texting his friends. Even then, he took the time to patiently answer my newbie questions and fish and showed me one by one which fish he recommended. I still cringe at the dumb novice questions I asked him which took time away from his more pressing tasks, but he'd always answer them with great detail and never compromised. One thing that struck me most when I was there was the busyness of the place. A customer walked in almost every ten minutes. I can still picture that day as he was chatting in English to one American customer and then talking in Cantonese to another chinese customer at the same time. I was seriously impressed on how he was able to manage such high demands and yet was able to interact with people so sincerely. Through all the work he did, he still placed his customers as his priority and would never let you down. He just had that infectious positive energy. Kenny truly is one of those kindhearted souls you only meet once in a while. Wish him the best.

  11. #41
    Registered Member above design's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    This sucks so bad. Kenny has been the nicest professional I can remember dealing with. Even more so, hes a genuinely good person. Just devastating to hear this.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    Thanks for letting us know Al... I'm speechless... ����

    Kenny... I'm praying for you and your family... ����


  13. #43
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    incredibly sad news

  14. #44
    Registered Member Vinni Smith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    I talked to Kenny one time on the phone.
    Very nice man!
    I am sorry to hear this.

  15. #45
    Registered Member jim_shedden's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kenny's Discus , Please Read Everyone, This is really Important.

    Just WOW!. So very sorry to hear this.

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