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Thread: Covid Situation

  1. #1
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    Default Covid Situation

    How has covid affected your stress levels?

  2. #2
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Not anymore sense most of us here in Canada with 74% the second shot and 83% first shot. Here in Nova Scotia we had a good government that took the professional health care workers advice. Our numbers stayed low. The strict rules worked here. But seems to be 15-20% of the population that buck the system no matter what; they cause more stress than anything.

  3. #3
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    In Washington state the governor has mandated all teachers must wear masks as a condition of employment. It is that bad. I read hospitals is the state of Florida are over flowing with Covid patents. Third vaccinations may be necessary for all US citizens. We seem to be worst off than when the virus began and yet the US government by pushing to open up the economy seems to be choosing greed over lives.

  4. #4
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    My personal situation hasn't changed because I didn't go out much even before Covid. I always mask up when I'm out but that's no big deal to me. The majority of people in my State have not been vaccinated. The hospitals are all either full or close to full. The big medical center in Jackson has set up tents in the parking lot for overflow patients. I don't know when Mississippians will wake up and see the consequences of their inaction to prevent themselves from getting sick and transmitting the virus to others. Being at level 70 I'll be eligible for my booster in November.
    Mama Bear

  5. #5
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    I see patients in clinics in Florida and it is actually insane down here. Many people have not been vaccinated and simply will not. It is rare to see many people wearing masks in stores, hotels and restaurants.

    I think most have anxiety but you have to have a modicum of self awareness in order to admit it to yourself.

  6. #6
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    I find it rather showing lack of great intelligences and common sense and there is a word for that. I have found that wearing masks has also cut way back on colds and flues this year. We would have never be allowed in a store or any other place without a mask. Our fines were big. On other thing during COVID how leaders worked together on the issue, no matter who you voted for.

  7. #7
    Silver Member jimmyjoe's Avatar
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    Here in Ohio I don't know what else is going on I'm just like Liz in my 70's and staying out of the way of these selfish on vaccinated humans that only care about themselves. It's mostly mandatory masking in all establishments, I haven't heard about the school districts other than ours, and it's up to the school not the governor o Ohio. Who does De Santis think he is God? JMO Jim in Ohio

  8. #8
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    I'm on a family vacation in San Francisco. Perhaps because this was a hot spot in 2020, there's overwhelming mask compliancehere.

    Every restaurant in town require masking unless you're eating and drinking. More than half of the people walking on the street are masked. Last night, we went to watch Hamilton and every member of the audience and every usher was masked. In addition, you had to show proof of vaccination to enter the theater.

    I think this is the most likely scenario for the rest of the country.
    At my age, everything is irritating.

  9. #9
    Registered Member + MVP danotaylor's Avatar
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    Jim in Ohio, I am an Critical Care RN. I cared for Covid positive patient's all year last year. In fact, I volunteered to go in extra to admit the very 1st known covid positive patient that came to our ICU. I worked my 3 regularly scheduled shifts and did an extra 6 shift contract at our facility every schedule from March last year to this very day, sometimes working a 5th 12 hour shift due to high needs in our unit. I did all this knowing that the PPE was inadequate protection due to the size of viral particles, and in short supply. I did all this because I care about people's health and well being.

    After caring for covid patients for over 1 year, I contracted covid 19 in late March this year. Fortunately for me, my symptoms were very mild, I believe because my immune response was/is strong. I have friends who have had severe reactions to the gene therapy shots, some of whom have been rendered completely unable to work, dependant on long term blood thinners. A lady my wife works with had her husband die of covid recently. When my wife asked her about whether people should be forced to get the gene therapy shot she said absolutely not.

    Why do you suppose more than 50% of health care workers in Ohio have chosen not to be injected with this experimental gene therapy? I think that speaks volumes about the ligitimate concern of the actual health educated public. There are countless virologists and immunologists whose opinions are being ignored or silenced with regard to the covid gene therapy, natural and acquired immunity, etc.

    I have adhered to masking policies, and social distancing not because of the science behind it, but because fear is driving so many of the decisions being made and I can (unselfishly) suck it up and wear a mask so others aren't afraid. Information has been made a political weapon. It's tearing this country apart.

    Are you aware Jim, that under American law, medication that is listed as a vaccine removes any financial liability from the manufacturers for adverse effects that come about as a result of taking that medication? Now the government is wanting to mandate it. Families that have a lived one incapacitated or die get NOTHING, no financial assistance, they cannot sue. So if the gene therapy is as safe as you believe, according g to what you gave been told, why won't the manufacturers back that, call it what it truly is, a gene therapy. I am not against vaccines. I am up to date on every other shot. The fact that coronavirus passes back and forth from animals to humans means it is here to stay. It cannot be irradiated like small pox, cause small pox only hosted in humans.

    There is so much more I want to say, but I'll finish with saying this, the fact that you would come on here and call me an "selfish unvaccinated" is highly offensive after the strain I have undergone over the past year in my chosen career.. Your comment is also completely untrue of me to be sure.
    Last edited by danotaylor; 08-19-2021 at 10:07 PM.

  10. #10
    Registered Member XAnhLe's Avatar
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    COVID has definitely peaked my stress level. I work in a 400-bed hospital and we had just converted one of our regular floor into a COVID/ICU unit. System wide, we have about 500 COVID-19 patients and most (80-90%) are unvaccinated and about 96% of ICU beds are occupied by unvaccinated. So yes, I'd think that vaccine do make a difference. There are multiple vaccines available and not all are mRNA (a technology that we have been worked on for over decades, not just developed recently). To say that these are gene therapies is absolutely baseless and unscientific. Anyone with a basic understanding of biology would know mRNA/vectors cannot alters DNA. Both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were studied with clinical trials which powered by over 70,000 participants. To put in perspective, most if not all of our practice guidelines aren't backed by studies with these magnitudes. So yes, they are safe and effective. I'd say 70,000 participants is better than anyone's anecdotal evidences.

    The biggest fight that we are losing is actually misinformation, especially ones coming from some of our health care providers. It's unfortunate that they chose conspiracies over evidence-based medicine.

    So what is an alternative to the vaccine?
    Regeneron is the drug that we use now for mild-moderate COVID patients. Bamlanivimab is no longer an option due to resistance with the latest strain. We can expect Regeneron will eventually be resistant to, if we continue to regress the way that we are.

    For moderate to severe cases, we have...
    Remdesivir: Well guess what? a recent study published in JAMA showed that it does not improve chance of survival and prolong hospital stay.

    Tocilizumab (Actemra) an immunosuppresant that we use to treat rheumatoid arthritis with the side effects profile that will definitely frighten you. Anyways, manufacturers are beginning to restrict its distribution because we are simply running out of it.

    And fresh out of the ACTT-II trial, Baricitinib, another immunosuppresant that we use to treat rheumatoid arthritis with the side effects profile that will DEFINITELY frighten you.

    We also have a bunch of useless shits like melatonin, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D. Things that will definitely put you at higher risk of co-infection like dexamethasone.

    So please, get your shots.

  11. #11
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Covid Situation

    @ XAnhLe

  12. #12
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Danny and XAnhLe, I have the upmost respect for what you guys do, have been though and I hate seeing the US in yet another covid surge. I have done my part and got vaccinated and yes, I wear a mask in public so hopeful I can stay out of the hospital and not be a spreader of this disease. So I do feel the way out of this pandemic is to get vaccinated and I think this pandemic will be here for a while.

    TBH I feel the misinformation is killing us. Public figures who are not putting the public health of the people they represent as their top priority is dangerous and it's killing people IMO. I live in a state which is leading the covid surge and yes, not a good place to be.

    January of this year I lost my mom to covid. I watched her die over Zoom so please, get vaccinated so you are not the person dying on a Zoom call or watch a family member die from covid.

    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  13. #13
    Registered Member + MVP danotaylor's Avatar
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    XAnhle please do not insult me because I dissagree with your opinion and your science. Both Pfizer and ModeRNA freely acknowledge the use of mRNA to deposit memory in the cells to stimulate an immune response when covid is recognized in the body. J&J actually acknowledge the use of DNA strands to achieve the same goal, mRNA cell memory. It is claimed that none of these shots change a persons DNA as the conspiracy group claim, so don't lump everyone who disagrees with you into the conspiracy group. There are literally thousands of people smaterter than us on both sides of this argument.

    The issue I have is with mandates. Both sides of the argument think they're right, but only 1 side wants to force the other to align with there opinion by mandating the shots. Trump gave us the shots,, and perhaps he would have imposed mandates as well,, we'll never know for sure. Like I said earlier though, t is misinformation to use small pox as a comparison, it's nothing like small pox because it only hosted in humans whereas coraonavirus is hosted in animals and humans, so it's here to stay like the flu. Every person deserves the right to examine the data and choose for themselves. There may not have been as many death from receiving the shot, but a significant enough number, combined with other debilitating outcomes, to cause concern for single income families like mine, and especially since there is no legal recourse or financial assistance should a severely debilitating outcome or death take place.

    Whilst those that get the shot are less likely to get C19, it does not "prevent" the spread or reduce transmisability of the diseaae. In fact, if symptoms are lessened, one can reasonably assume a vaccinated person may spread C19 to others without knowing it. I' am not saying that is grounds for people not to get the shot, but merely food for thought. My elderly parents in Australia got the shot, and I fully support their decision to do so. My dad has COPD.

    Being an Australian in the US I have basically resigned myself never to see my parents face to face again, so please don't think I have taken my position without a lot of consideration and research,, and with significant personal loss. I am a man of conviction and what I truly believe to be true will always direct my choices, even when the outcome is difficult and painful for me.

    The idea that people who don't agree w mandatory shots are thoughtless,, selfish unscientific idiots is simply absurd.. The hate and the name calling is childish,, unnecessary and counter productive. There is always multiple sides to every story.

    I'm gonna sign off on this thread now.
    Last edited by danotaylor; 08-20-2021 at 10:56 AM.

  14. #14
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    There are so many brilliant scientists, immunologists and virologists fighting the fight and informing us. Beats the crap outta me to see people challenging them or asserting their “rights”
    Most have absolutely no clue as to how DNA and mRNA work to synthesize everything that we are - including an immune response. mRNA tells our DNA to activate our immune defenses.

    DNA (JnJ) indirectly does the same thing.

    This is how vaccines work and let’s all pray that either active infection ( to those unfortunate ) or vaccines of any type or for any disease, permanently allow our immune response - permanently - to fight off these horrible diseases
    Last edited by captainandy; 08-20-2021 at 11:49 AM.

  15. #15
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Covid Situation

    Dan you singled out Jim. Jim just stated how he feels with the info he’s been given. Reality is none of us really have a clue about this disease or the vaccines their giving. Look the next poster has already said your wrong. This is reality! People may have an idea of whats good or bad. They may say it’s a fact but me I’ve got no clue!! I let people make there own decisions. I’m not telling anyone to vaccinate or not. Me I did but am very unsure of my decision. I’m in New York and most here have vaccinated. But even they are now getting COVID and they now want us to get booster shots! First shots didn’t work?? Strange times here. Didn’t our president say a year ago everything should be closed? Not so much now! And who’s paying for the vaccine? Pharma’s footing the bill ? Because they want to help?? I don’t think so!!

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