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Thread: Some help with a kit list?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Apr 2021

    Default Some help with a kit list?

    Hi everyone,

    A fish keeper of many years returning after an extended break and looking for some help in understanding what new/preferred technologies are out there as the world has no doubt moved on!

    My background is mostly in freshwater, Central/South American Cichlids, 4-6' tanks running Eheim externals, some use of UV.

    I am looking to setup a 300l Discus tank, with some (biotope appropriate) companions. I intend to have hardscaping with some (less demanding) plants.

    My current thinking is to go for some of the German bred stock.

    I would like to keep as much equipment out of the tank as possible, and prefer the 'buy right buy once' approach...can you help me build out a kit list? Which filters are you all running now? Inline heating? Any other innovative new systems now on the market?

    All support and guidance appreciated!

    Kind regards,


  2. #2
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some help with a kit list?

    For a 75g you have many options for filtration. Hob 2 tidal 110s. Canister you can go with a fluval fx4 or the next smaller. Or you could do a sump or wet/dry system. Either of the last 2 you could put the heater in. Or go with 2 heaters one in sump one in tank both controlled by an ink-bird controller. Believe it or not. Not much has changed! If looking for uv (I use it in my tanks) the green killing machine is a good option. But it will be in the tank. They do make ones that go inline. Inline for me is just another connection that down the line can leak.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Some help with a kit list?

    Thanks Tom for the suggestions - are Fluval now the 'go to' in terms of External canisters?

  4. #4
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some help with a kit list?

    I have the fx6 on a 125g and I like it. 2years running. But in general I don’t like canisters. These fluvals work nice and are easy to clean. But in size there huge. With massive amounts of media. I also have a wet/dry on my other 125. To me this is a tried and true type of filtration. Easy to install and very little cleaning. These also move lots of water. Mines moving around 800g an hour. I’ve also have a 90g and it’s got 2 hobs on it that work great. It’s a community tank with just 1water change a week. But would have no problem using it for discus.

  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Some help with a kit list?

    I just went through a similar transition. I just retired and after 18 years out of the hobby I decided to set up my dream tank. Like you, I wanted to keep as much equipment out of the tank as possible. I went with Oase Thermo filters, mostly because they have the heater built in. I put 2 Oase 600 thermo filters on my 120 gal Discus tank. They are a little expensive but, after 5 months, I don't regret the expenditure. They are quite and efficient, and hold a large volume of media. They have a built in siphon for initial start-up and I've never had a problem with them starting back up after a power outage. They also have a easily removable pre-filter, making filter maintenance a snap.


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