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Thread: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Quote Originally Posted by captainandy View Post
    Copper and broad spectrum antibiotic

    However, you may be dealing with a virus and nothing but time will dictate the outcome

    I feel your fristration

    I did order nitrfurazone and hoping it reaches me soon. I’m very nervous about using copper. Been reading about it. Sounds dangerous.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    How were the fish acclimated and how were they added to the tank? How long have the sponges been cycling prior to adding the new fish?

    I'm worried with all the medical suggestions here. Especially treating anti-bacteria in a newly established tank, with new fish added, with likely a "mini-cycle" as Iminit mentioned.

    My thoughts:

    -Only true symptom we see is the white dusting as described on the fish and images show it on fins as well. This is typically ich, which is better treated with ich medication (I use ich-x and have good success) and higher temps (ich life cycle survives at a lower temperature so keeping temps above 85F will stop the life cycle). This could have came from used media or other supplies (nets, hoses, trash cans, etc.). Where it came from really doesn't matter, because it's in the tank now.
    -Clamped fin and damaged fins can happen during the movement from shipping bag to the tank when using a net. These will heal with clean water changes. If it is progressively getting worse and not better with water changes, then likely could be a bacteria issue.
    -Going a little darker (or peppering) and/or not eating in newly added fish may not mean cross contamination right away. If you have a fish going dark, dark and moving individually to the corner, then cross contamination may be the issue. To me, It is more likely just stress with a new environment, new water and water change regimen, and currently being medicated. Wattley has all his fish on a central system with autowater changes. I wouldn't think they would be cross contaminated with each other if all coming from the same source, but I could be wrong.

    In my opinion, I'd give it more time and fresh water changes as you have been doing. I wouldn't over salt or anything yet (for new fish, I'll use a tablespoon per 10 gallons). I'd likely raise temps to 85F and continue treating for ich for at least 7 days, maybe 8 days. After, I'd drop the temperatures back to 82F gradually to see if the ich is gone for good.

    Sorry you are dealing with this as soon as you get back into keeping discus!


    Edit to add: So I don't know why I didn't see the second page of posts, but if that is white stringy poop, that would be another true symptom and probably another reason why they are not eating. Probably why Wattley has a video on treating with metronidazole... If you talk to your rep at Wattley and/or Gabe, show them the images of the poop and request some metronidazole. It's not like it came from you and your feedings when they aren't eating. They should honor that and give it to you on the house in my opinion. Watch the video on youtube from Wattley Discus channel and use those talking points.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Phil4Discus; 01-31-2022 at 11:40 AM.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Just coming on this thread, might want to try doing a search on slime disease and Discus Plague. Sorry for all the Discus problems but its much more in control than 20 years ago when hatchery were wiped out. Copper will not help already try this, your best friend would be
    acriflavin by Korden, then second Furan2 and of course salt and last would be to bring the ph down. The Pigeonblood will stay light color but the blues will turn dark the white/grey patch are slime infected. If your Discus are staying on the top corner of the tank, I usually add a few drops of acriflavin right on top of the Discus this will help them immediately usually within 60 seconds. Notice Wattley's tanks all green with either furan2 or with acriflavin. Next is water changes, slime on the walls need to be wiped down during ever water change and salt add this will help shredding of dead body slime. Clean filter of dead slime, and start slowly lower the ph, this will cut down on bacteria. This should last one to two weeks just watch for relapes, as this disease last for the life of each Discus.


  4. #34
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Thanks for all the help everyone. Been going crazy wiping down the giant tank, doing 50% water changes daily and medicating with nitrofurazone and salt. They seem to take turns feeling better and wanting to eat FDBWs and feeling awful and refusing food. Yellow guy died yesterday and the melon guy - who looked good and ate yesterday - is looking pretty miserable today. The other five look pretty good and even ate Vibrabites soaked in Garlic Guard. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    I wish I cold help you but I don't have enough knowledge. Cliff and Willie are the ones with the most experience here. Not saying that any other suggestions are incorrect, it's just that Cliff and Willie have been around longer and seen more than anyone else.
    Mama Bear

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Since my fish got sick within 3 days most feel I bought them already ill, even though they looked perfect. The tank was a reef tank when I bought it and I did a fishless cycle so there is no way the fish could’ve gotten sick after I brought them home. Seems Wattley is buying fish from his friends now and not breeding all that much anymore. We all know what happens when combining fish from different breeders - and I’ve learned the hard way. It took 20 years to attempt discus again and the result isn’t shocking but is heartbreaking. Was just hoping after 20 yrs they would be a tad hardier. Nope. Dreading going out to the fish room.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Big blue diamond was always the most gregarious and now he spends most of his time above one of the sponge filters letting the bubbles flow over him. Not sure what that means but I’m sure it’s not good. I see nothing except clamped fins. Maybe he’s a bit itchy and the bubbles feel good hitting him? Odd He did eat some this morning.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Tikitank View Post
    Big blue diamond was always the most gregarious and now he spends most of his time above one of the sponge filters letting the bubbles flow over him. Not sure what that means but I’m sure it’s not good. I see nothing except clamped fins. Maybe he’s a bit itchy and the bubbles feel good hitting him? Odd He did eat some this morning.
    Any huddling on the surface? A few drops of acriflavin will relieve itchy and break up any huddling in about 1 minute.


  9. #39
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Quote Originally Posted by CliffsDiscus View Post
    Any huddling on the surface? A few drops of acriflavin will relieve itchy and break up any huddling in about 1 minute.


    I have one melon boy hanging around the surface. The others were picking on him so I put a divider in the tank to give him some rest. The other 4 seem to be challenging each other for top dog and the fifth is the blue diamond hanging in the bubbles part time and chasing another part time. My water is pretty yellow right now from the nitrofurazone & salt. I’m on day 8 of the 10 day treatment.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Tikitank View Post
    I have one melon boy hanging around the surface. The others were picking on him so I put a divider in the tank to give him some rest. The other 4 seem to be challenging each other for top dog and the fifth is the blue diamond hanging in the bubbles part time and chasing another part time. My water is pretty yellow right now from the nitrofurazone & salt. I’m on day 8 of the 10 day treatment.
    This disease has been around since 1986, its less contagious now.
    Suggestion may try to fill aquarium half fill making it a little less labor if this is possible.


  11. #41
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Quote Originally Posted by CliffsDiscus View Post
    This disease has been around since 1986, its less contagious now.
    Suggestion may try to fill aquarium half fill making it a little less labor if this is possible.


    The tank has overflows built in so lowering would be tough and all my bacteria in the sumps would die - if they’re even still alive. All are eating FDBW except the melon boy who is divided from the others. He did pick at it so maybe tomorrow. I was surprised over how well the blue diamond ate considering he seems so unhappy while bathing in bubbles. Once the furan 10 day treatment is done I think they should get a break, don’t you think? They’ve had salt in the tank since Dec 21. They went thru the Rid Ich/ salt treatment first.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    I don't mean to pick at a wound, Kathy, but how did this turn out?

  13. #43
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    Default Re: Now I remember why I gave up discus 20 years ago! First day - problems

    Sorry i can't add any solutions [i've been lucky, no problems] but feel for you op. You've done everything possible and it seems it's not enough. I keep thinking there just fish not much different from any other tropical. Hope you can beat this.

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