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Thread: Who hurt the discus?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Apr 2021

    Default Who hurt the discus?

    I had 3 discus, 1 male albino German blue ram, 5 male congo tetras, 2 small clown plecos, and hundreds of Malaysian trumpet snails in a 65 gallon planted tank with two big chunks of driftwood. The fish did pretty well once the tank got past initial problems and deaths of other species of fish now all gone (cardinal tetras, Sterabe's cories) since last July; it's now a year old. In the last few months, the discus have become damaged, apparent bite or suck wounds on their upper sides and recently, all three have severely shredded tails. The congo boys also have damaged fins but they do chase each other (and I have never seen them bother the discus). I watch and watch them and never see anyone attacking. I did see Rammy once zip towards a congo but the congos are too fast.

    Yesterday, I moved Rammy and the clown plecos along with driftwood to my 50 gallon heavily planted tank where the 20-year-old rosy barb colony (about 30 adults, self sustaning) is now bothering them. The barbs tried to spawn with poor Rammy who is now probably going to die. Was he the one tearing up the discus? I saw him chase a congo once but otherwise, he just hangs. Rammy is one of my favorite fish with personality. Was that the right move? The discus seem less afraid this morning but one of them hides in a cave most of the time. I hate to sentence a fish to death for a crime he maybe didn't commit especially Rammy. Since all the discus are damaged, I doubt they're doing it to each other. The congo's have teeth but I don't think they did it. One of the discus is on death's door, stays black to stay hidden but he's out today. Now, I know you're all going to chastise me for all sorts of things but I've heard it all before. Yes, 3 discus is bad but I started with 2, and one died in quarantine and so on. Yes, the water is fine. I'm an analytical chemist and test water for a living. I just want to know who you think is tearing up my discus. I've tried flashlights at night to see if it's the plecos. The congos flip out when I do that. I'm worried that I may have sentenced three innocent fish to suffer in the other tank (which is must colder and full of nasty rosy barbs; I turned up the heat some). Thanks.

  2. #2
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who hurt the discus?

    Hi Brutus, tell me what you do with the water? What percentage and how often do you change water. Also when the discus have round marks on the slime coats plecos are the first suspect.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

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