Golden State Discus

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Thread: Pairing Q and roughly how long from first eggs to viable breeding?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Dec 2021

    Default Pairing Q and roughly how long from first eggs to viable breeding?

    What is the estimated timeline from first eggs to actually having a shot at fry? I have a pair whom I'd put at about barely a year old that laid their first eggs yesterday after a big water change and re-arranging of some plants. Unsurprisingly, they ate them shortly after. At what point should I consider moving them from the community tank into a breeding tank? After getting wrigglers once?

    Also, since I've got eggs once, should I pretty confident that they will be breeding pair and that this isn't say a pair of females or something.

  2. #2
    Homesteader RogueDiscus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pairing Q and roughly how long from first eggs to viable breeding?

    Last first: you don't know you have a pair until you see wigglers, or are experienced enough to recognize fertile eggs. Even if you know the sexes, it's not guaranteed.
    If they are spawning in a community tank, you could give them several tries to wait and see if you get wigglers. If conditions and good and they are healthy, maybe a spawn every couple weeks (Others may have opinions here).
    By putting them in a breeding tank you would be creating conditions were the fry could possibly survive if they hatch. Then what? You want to have a plan for feeding and tank space for the fry if you intend to raise them at all.
    Just thoughts.

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Pairing Q and roughly how long from first eggs to viable breeding?

    I would like to raise a batch or two so I'm trying to map out what and mostly when I'll need it. My breeding tank (20g) is currently occupied with a batch of Black Skirt Tetra fry and I have another 30G on standby if needed. And I'd upgrade my community from 100g to 200+g if I was able to raise a batch.

    I've read they go in spurts of laying every week for 15 weeks a couple times a year. Is this true?

  4. #4
    Registered Member
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    San Francisco

    Default Re: Pairing Q and roughly how long from first eggs to viable breeding?

    I agree with everything Steve recommended. As far as laying eggs for 15 weeks a couple times a year that's unlikely, a Discus can lay eggs up to around 15 to 20 times in it whole life time and that is really stretching it.


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