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Thread: Adult Brine Shrimp are Dirty?

  1. #1
    Registered Member Fishworks's Avatar
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    Default Adult Brine Shrimp are Dirty?

    Hi Folks,

    Anyone here with experience using Adult Brine Shrimp as Feeders or Treats?

    I ask because I want to culture them myself for this purpose.
    Although what bothers be is that they are filter-feeders and they might be ingesting their own poo suspended in the water column.
    Do you think they are dirty or are they okay?


  2. #2
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult Brine Shrimp are Dirty?

    When I use live blackworms I change their water twice per day. If I were feeding live brine shrimp I would do the same if not more... Raising a culture of brine shrimp is hard work. The waste produced can accumulate and be passed on to your fish.

    Frozen Hikari brand blood worms are an excellent treat for discus...

  3. #3
    Registered Member Fishworks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult Brine Shrimp are Dirty?

    Quote Originally Posted by jeep View Post
    When I use live blackworms I change their water twice per day. If I were feeding live brine shrimp I would do the same if not more... Raising a culture of brine shrimp is hard work. The waste produced can accumulate and be passed on to your fish.

    Frozen Hikari brand blood worms are an excellent treat for discus...
    Thanks! Yes, that does make sense.
    How much should I change the water? 25%? 50%?
    TBH, 2x per day water changes sounds intimidating
    I can see it getting expensive as well with the marine salt for water changes. Perhaps I can feed less, so that I can reduce waste production.

  4. #4
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult Brine Shrimp are Dirty?

    It is intimidating, lol... How to change water without losing shrimp... And they must be kept aeriated and chilled to boot. With the black worms, I change 90% twice per day.

    The amount of water change depends on the amount of food being fed and the amount of waste being produced. It wouldn't be worth the effort for me, especially when there are so many other quality foods out there. When I was a kid I fed brine shrimp from the LFS and the water stank bad. This tells me there was a high waste and bacteria count. Fish were cheap back then and I didn't know enough to make the connection when they died.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult Brine Shrimp are Dirty?

    Frozen adult brine shrimp would seem a more practical option if you're just looking for a good source of food. I feed frozen mysis, which is a slightly larger shrimp. In both cases, I rinse the thawed out shrimp through a fine mesh net before adding to the tank.

    If you want to raise adult brine shrimp, which can be fun, that's really a whole separate issue. I've only seen videos of these and there just doesn't seem to be enough density to make for much of a meal.
    At my age, everything is irritating.

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