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Thread: Green/Blue phantom info L200 vs L200A vs L128

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Green/Blue phantom info L200 vs L200A vs L128

    Reposting this from the Capital Cichlid Association board, from Josh at batfish aquatics:

    “ There are two kinds of green phantoms, L200 and L200A, with the latter being the "hi-fin green phantom." Underscoring why we shouldn't be putting a lot of faith in the L-system, these are two completely different fish.

    L200, the common green phantom, is Hemiancistrus subviridis -- and, it may very well be the same fish as L128, the blue phantom, with the colour transitionining from yellow to blue across their range. L200A is Baryancistrus demantoides. The two genera are characteristized by very different diets. Members of the genus Hemiancistrus are easy omnivores, and will graze at algae. They'll need some protein in their diet if you're going to keep them long term, and will also need supplemental foods.

    Members of the genus Baryancistrus, though, are pains in the courgette. They are surface film grazers, and need constant supplies of it. They don't necessarily eat algae, but want that fine gunk that grows on stuff, so you'll need to leave things like zucchini in the tank until it starts to get funky, at which point they'll be grazing at it. They're intolerant of organic wastes, and need some current. They also need a good amount of protein in their diet (they snarf stuff like insect larvae while they're grazing), so blackworms, frozen food, and even whole shrimp are good. Again, if you leave it in the tank to get a little funky, they'll be happier. They're a tough fish to keep.

    Back to the common green phantom, it's a bit more delicate, IME, than the blue phantom, but not terribly so. They're territorial, and can really be nasty with one another. One of the problems you sometimes (often) get with them is a loss of gut flora and fauna. They need bacteria to break down and digest a lot of their foods, and heavy treatment plus starvation in the supply chain really hurts them. You can help them out by putting them in a tank with a lot of plain ol' bushy noses, and a lot of pleco poop, and feeding heavily. Algae wafers, some fresh, cut zucchini, and the like. Anything ancistrus will eat.

    They're from the more northern part of the blue/green phantom range, and they'll need warmer water, softer water, and lots of oxygen -- they do well with some current. You seriously want dKH under about 8, pH around 6.0, and temperature around 78-80 for these guys.

    So, tldr, both green phantoms are touchy -- the blue phantom is a lot easier, though.”

  2. #2
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Green/Blue phantom info L200 vs L200A vs L128

    Interesting! Thing is these plecos have been around since the 90s maybe earlier and still not a lot known about them. All info seems to be from the same print for all 3. Always thought they were interesting. I’ve had some different plecos along the way. Zebras back in the late 80s. A common for about 10yrs. Pliant of bushy nose and rubber lip. Even have baby bushy nose now . But back in June I came across a green phantom. Price was to good to not buy one. So I finally got my first phantom.30755B1F-1007-49AC-B85A-C75E5446355C.jpg1E7AEB92-936E-4024-B24B-209F8A7FC824.jpg. It’s on the small size but does look healthy. It’s about 3” long and hasn’t grown much. But it does seem like they don’t grow quickly. It’s in a 90g community. Plenty of drift wood and plants. I’m does eat plants. Especially broad leaf plants. It’s eaten swords and aponogeton. But as of yet hasn’t gone after the crypts or the thinner leafed plants. But I’m guessing that will come soon. Been feeding wafers,shrimp pellets and whatever else it get to.

    So around Nov I found a new store in my area. Checked it out and the place looked very clean. Not much in discus but what he had looked better than most lps. Thing is he had lots of oddball fish that I hadn’t seen for yrs especially in the same shop. There it was a young 2” blue phantom. My wife found them liked them and told me to support the new place . So now I’ve gt a blue phantom.A95D3E0E-B60F-413A-AF24-B20313EDA244.jpg. For yrs I’ve either never seen them or just couldn’t afford them and never before have I found them this small. So now I’ve got one of each. On day one of adding the blue the 2 of them went everywhere together. No fighting no aggression just bust checking each other out. It’s been 2 months now and they don’t bother each other at all. They may share a spot but no signs of aggression. Will keep watching them and yes both are out during the day. Both have caves eat algae and bio-film. There in a 90g now but I’ve got bigger tanks they can move to if need be. So just observing now .FE9A0075-E2A6-4D63-A789-A10A119772ED.jpg

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Green/Blue phantom info L200 vs L200A vs L128

    This is just one persons opinion. Nothing more and nothing less
    Best information of pleco and cats is on planet catfish - again, opinions but those with varying levels of expertise

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