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Thread: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

  1. #1
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    Question So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    Hi everyone,

    First time poster and hopefully a soon to be first time Discus keeper. I’m not terribly new to the hobby, probably a little over 5 years. I’ve kept pea puffers, Apistogramma (bred a little), and other community fish. The biggest barrier to my love for the hobby is space. I’d love a nice 120+ gallon setup (I really love the 150 high), but I don’t logistically have the space in my home. Well not enough where my wife won’t fuss at me so I’m limited to my fish room/office/storage/everything. LOL!

    I’ve got a 28 gal bowfront, a couple nano setups, a 20 high, and my latest a 40 breeder. My plan was to make a nice planted showcase setup with the 40 breeder by transferring everything off the 28 gallon. It’s CO2 injected and has an Eheim 2213 filter. I started my planning, the 40 has the back painted black, I put pool filter sand in it, I’ve got a nice piece of driftwood. But I wasn’t moved. My dream fish are Discus. And I’ve been reading a whole lot about the 10 gallon rule, how 40s aren’t optimal, but I’ve seen folks do it. So understanding that it isn’t the optimal route, I’d like to get honest perspective about my plan before I move forward.

    I am thinking of starting with 4-6 SMALL Discus. I’m talking about 2-3”. With them being juvies, I’m anticipating any potential loss (which there shouldn’t be) and realistically just keeping 3-4 of the ones I like the best as they grow out. I know my LFS will gladly give me a couple of bucks store credit or trade when they get older. I already have a sponge filter from another setup that I would use, but I will bump it to 2 and possibly a HOB AC(something). I thought about using the Eheim, but I wasn't sure if that would be too much flow and I've seen a lot of people like the sponge filters. After I thin the herd, I may add a few anubias and some little small schooling fish. I really love green neons but people say they get eaten so I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I plan on weekly large water changes, I am religious on that. And I’ll have a Rubbermaid tote for my aged water. Since this is my first forage into Discus I am erring on keeping things simple. I’ve never been a “I need a million fish” in a setup to be happy so I won’t be overstocking and I also don’t want to bring in the complications of co2 and lighting and all that jazz along with the higher temps. I plan on making/buying a beefheart feed and also feed other foods.

    Does that sound like a good plan? Anything you’d suggest or change? Thank in advance and any advice you have! I have started watching the presentation by Al Sabetta, I already see I’m going to have to forego most of my sand to make it much thinner. Such good info! I’m also thinking of just going with 2-3 almost grown Discus to cut down on feedings and water changes. But please let me know your thoughts.


  2. #2
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    Well welcome to discus keeping! It’s not like any other fish keeping. 40g would make a good grow out tank. When grown a 75 would be better but hey a 90s almost the same foot print….. here’s my 40 qt tank with 2 4.5” discus67432AD6-EE1E-4D6D-9664-A6BD0685EC9F.jpg black background makes it much darker! 2-3” discus will need 50% water changes daily and 4-6 feedings a day to grow out nice. Discus need water changes! They just do. Those in the 40 get 60% every other day.
    Now this is a 50g with 3 6” discusA8933430-F1F6-455B-BD96-324EAB7CDA43.jpg again qt tank and possibly breeder.

    As a beginner you should go bare bottom and start with bigger fish. 4-5” discus. Don’t buy local by from recomended sellers from this site. In the long run there cheaper!!

    Forget co2 and plants. Well plants maybe after a successful year in.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Iminit View Post
    Well welcome to discus keeping! It’s not like any other fish keeping. 40g would make a good grow out tank. When grown a 75 would be better but hey a 90s almost the same foot print….. here’s my 40 qt tank with 2 4.5” discus67432AD6-EE1E-4D6D-9664-A6BD0685EC9F.jpg black background makes it much darker! 2-3” discus will need 50% water changes daily and 4-6 feedings a day to grow out nice. Discus need water changes! They just do. Those in the 40 get 60% every other day.
    Now this is a 50g with 3 6” discusA8933430-F1F6-455B-BD96-324EAB7CDA43.jpg again qt tank and possibly breeder.

    As a beginner you should go bare bottom and start with bigger fish. 4-5” discus. Don’t buy local by from recomended sellers from this site. In the long run there cheaper!!

    Forget co2 and plants. Well plants maybe after a successful year in.
    Thanks Iminit! I've been researching more since I hit submit on the reply and I have given up on the cheaper smaller Discus. I see they're a ton more work and not nearly as hardy as a more established/mature fish. I have been reading that there can be aggression amongst smaller groups. Do you see that with your smaller groups? You're gonna have me writing a business case for a larger tank, my life is gonna love me for that! LOL I do plan on buying from a reputable breeder.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    Those are qt tanks. My main tanks are bigger A361FE60-FF96-455F-ACC1-F5BC09AA49AA.jpg7F150CB2-7A10-4F2A-82BD-303EBF4513B5.jpg. The fish in qt will end up in the bigger tanks. Got to say I rarely see aggression. Many do though. Especially with young discus.

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    Oh those are beautiful! I thought bare bottom would look hideous, but you've got enough pop and color that you barely notice! What are those plant holders called with the Val?

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    Default Re: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    Got them at Home Depot. Found by the inside house plants. The second bid tank is a 125 with a black background. I had to get an internal rock look background to cover the black. Makes it so much brighter! Oh and no Val’s those are in first tank from left a type of sword plant,giant hygro and a crypt. These all grow great in planters. I remove the planter every 6 months and clean the gravel then put it back.

    Yes bb doesn’t have to look bare! But the more you add the more work you add to it.

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    Default Re: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    Ahhhh! They look just like jungle val! Well from afar at least! I really like the idea of those planters and the background! It's simplistic and elegant! I'm already searching for a larger setup. If I make it look like your setups, my wife might not cuss me out for putting it in the living room. You've been really helpful and I appreciate you not bashing me and my little poor man's 40B! LOL

  8. #8
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    Ok don’t use the background on the 40.if use as a qt tank. Stuff does get behind it. I’ve got a colony of cherry shrimp living back there. If going to but a new tank (bigger) get with clear back. They sell tape on rock look back grounds that look even better! Keep the 40 asa qt tank and qt all new fish after your starting discus!

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    Default Re: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    I like that elevated wood idea

  10. #10
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: So I'm planning a setup for a 40 breeder... I'm looking for opinions

    Yeah just drill a hole and use a suction cup with a plastic bolt. Works great and fish like to be under it.

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