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Thread: Roadtrip to Miami Anyone?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Sep 2002

    Default Roadtrip to Miami Anyone?

    My 1st batch of fish are getting ready to leave the qt tanks so Im trying to plan a trip to Wattleys Discus.

    Ive been talking with Gabe and it looks like the fish that I want will be becoming available in December. It just happens to be that I have 25th - 1st off. So Im thinking an Xmas present to myself, and I was wondering if any of you other Floridians wanted to make a "pilgrimage" to one of the holy shrines of the discus world?

    Ive been doing a lot of OT at work lately so its going to be a good Xmas and it will get even better once I manage to get ahold of Cary.

  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Roadtrip to Miami Anyone?


    Sounds like a lot of fun. My wife and I WERE going to be in Florida for Christmas, but between work issues coming up and the plane fares going up all the time, I think it's going to be good old Christmas in Connecticut.

    Have fun! And say hi to Gabe for me!


  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Roadtrip to Miami Anyone?

    Bummer John ..

    Im headed out of state myself from the 19th-25th and the only reason I can do that is I bought the tickets a while back when I actually had money. Hmm I wonder what I would have done if the choice would have been visiting the folks or buying discus ... Actually it would have been fly home to visit the folks since as much as I hate to say it .. I can survive without more discus ( I think )

    I finally did here back from GLD so yes Im going to really treat myself well this Xmas.

  4. #4
    Registered Member yogi's Avatar
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    Hollywood, Fl.

    Default Re:Roadtrip to Miami Anyone?

    Roger, I'm about 20 minutes north of Wattley Discus. I'll be more than happy to meet you there if I'm in town. Maybe we can get Ronald in Sunrise or L-Davis in Pembroke Pines to also meet us. John that is a bummer you won't be down here at Christmas. What is the name of the discus you are waiting for?

  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Roadtrip to Miami Anyone?

    Sounds like we can have a nice little get together

    Which reminds me, I keep forgetting to ask this. Is ther a Discus/Angel group for Florida ?

    Back to the original thought, we might even be able to entice Ryan into the trip. With him being as close to me as he is it would be nice to have someone share driving duties with.

    Heres to hoping that we can pull it off

  6. #6

    Default Re:Roadtrip to Miami Anyone?

    Hi all,

    That would be great.
    I am all for it.


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